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Economics in the time of COVID-19 edited by Richard Baldwin and Beatrice Weder di Mauro published by VOXEU (2020). “COVID-19 is spreading human suffering worldwide; that is what we should all be focused on. But we are not doctors….

Post-COVID: Dealing with the emerging market debt overhang by Kevin Daly, Tadas Gedminas and Clemens Grafe published by VOXEU (5/2020).   “Although the COVID-19 crisis is a global phenomenon, emerging market economies are in a weaker position than developed…

Herd behaviour in asset markets: the role of monetary policy by Stefano Micossi published by VOXEU (10/2019). “Robert Shiller’s influential book, Irrational Exuberance (Shiller 2015), dealt powerful blows to the hypothesis of efficient capital markets by describing in remarkable…

The European Union and democracy must deliver by Group of concerned economists published by VOXEU (3/2020). The world is living an extreme event that threatens the health and the economic wellbeing of the entire population. Large portions of the…

Helicopter Money: the time is now by Jordi Galí published by VoxEU (3/2020). “The rapid spread of the coronavirus in many countries constitutes a major challenge to their health systems. Under all realistic scenarios, an overwhelming number of human…

COVID-19: Governments must avoid creating additioal uncertainty by Henrik Müller published by VOXEU (3/2020). “It is becoming clear that the coronavirus epidemic is causing major disruptions to economic activity worldwide, and the quest for adequate policy responses is underway….

Coronavirus and macroeconomic policy por Luca Fornaro and Martin Worf published by VOXEU (3/2020). “As we write, the COVID-19 coronavirus is spreading throughout the globe. Besides its impact on public health, this coronavirus outbreak is likely to have significant…