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Rethinking Economics by Angus Deaton published by IMF (3/2024). Economics has achieved much; there are large bodies of often nonobvious theo retical understandings and of careful and sometimes compelling empirical evidence. The profession knows and under stands many things….

Making Public Debt Public—Ongoing Initiatives and Reform Options published by IMF (7/2023) The paper develops and assesses options to improve public debt transparency. It first makes the case, both conceptually and empirically, for greater public debt transparency. To guide…

Fiscal Monitor: On the Path to Policy Normalization published by IMF (4/2023). The report discusses how public finances have fluctuated with multiple shocks since the pandemic, characterized by atypical growth, inflation dynamics, and fiscal support to mitigate the shocks….

Capítulo 2: Inflación y desinflación: ¿Qué papel ha de cumplir la política fiscal? Publicado por Monitor Fiscal/IMF (4/2023). “La escalada de la inflación desde 2021 —la más pronunciada en más de tres décadas— ha exigido la respuesta de las…

International Corporate Tax Reform published by IMF (2/2023) To relieve the pressure on the outdated international corporate tax system, an ambitious reform was agreed at the Inclusive Framework (IF) on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting in 2021, with now…

Fiscal Monitor: Helping People Bounce Back published by IMF (10/2022). Governments face increasingly difficult trade-offs in tackling the spikes in food and energy prices when policy buffers are largely exhausted after two years of pandemic. They should prioritize protecting…