Home > Teresa Ter-Minassian

Subnational Investments in Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Some Financing and Governance Issues by Luiz de Mello, Teresa Ter-Minassian published by International Center for Public Policy (12/2023). This paper explores the role of subnational investments in climate change…

Em comemoração aos 10 anos da LRF, a FGV e o IDP organizaram um seminário para analisar o histórico e os desafios desta importante ferramenta jurídica, desde sua implementação. Esta edição, LRF históricos e desafios, do Cadernos FGV Projetos…

Fiscal federalism in theory and practice: Brazil by Teresa Ter-Minassian published by IMF, eLibrary (9/1997). “The history of intergovernmental fiscal relations in Brazil has been characterized by alternating phases of decentralization and recentralization. The period of the dictatorship, from…

Fiscal Rules for Subnational Governments: Can They Promote Fiscal Discipline? by Teresa Ter-Minassian published by OECD Journal on Budgeting (2007).   “Fiscal rules are often seen as devices to ensure fiscal discipline.1 They are typically enshrined in constitutional or legal…

The COVID-19 crisis creates an opportunity to step up digitalisation among subnational governments by Luiz de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian published by OECD (4/2020).    “Recent decades have seen rapid growth of advanced digital technologies, including high-speed computing, big…

 Digitalisation challenges and opportunities for subnational governments by Luis de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian published by OECD (4/2020)   “The world economy and societies are going through a digital transformation that goes well beyond computerisation and use of information…

Descentralizando los ingresos fiscales en América Latina: Por qué y cómo editado por Vicente Fretes Cibils y Teresa Ter-Minassian publicado pelo BID (4/2015). “Este libro analiza las razones de desempeño mediocre de países selecionados de América Latina en la movilización de…