When it comes to fiscal policy, it’s better to save for a rainy day than to let it pour by Otaviano Canuto, Francisco Carneiro, and Leonardo Garrido published by Huffington Post (6/2015). “While pro-cyclical fiscal policies – ie. expansionary…
Fiscal policy: cycle and space matter by Otaviano Canuto published by Huffington (01/2015). “In sum, one might say that, instead of ‘double standards’ the asymmetrical stance of fiscal policies that i have been advocating may rather be seen as…
Navigating Brazil’s path to growth by Otaviano Canuto published by Huffington Post (9/2014). “Brazil’s macroeconomic management will face four major immediate challenges in the near future. The response to them will be strengthened if we could have some indication…
Time to reset the compass for Brazil’s economic grwoth by Otaviano Canuto (10/2014). “Brazil’s macroeconomic management will face four major immediate challenges in the near future. The response to them will be strengthened if we could have some indication…
Liquidity glut, infrastructure finance drought and development banks by Otaviano Canuto published by Cfi.co (9/2014). “The world economy faces huge infrastructure financing needs that are not being matched on the supply side. Emerging market economies, in particular, have had…
What it takes for trade to reduce poverty in Africa by Otaviano Canuto published by Huffington Post (3/2014). “There are particularly untapped gains from Africa trading within itself. African countries are currently losing out on billions of dollars in…
The commodity super cycle: is this time different? by Otaviano Canuto published by World Bank (6/2014). “Some analysts believe that the commodity price boom of the new millennium has played itself out. However, natural resource-based commodity prices (with the…
Macroeconomics and stagnation – Keynesian-Schumpeterian wars by Otaviano Canuto published by Cfi.co (5/2014). “Policy makers in the advanced economies at the core of the global financial crisis can make the claim that they prevented a new ‘Great Depression’. However,…
Assuntos EconômicosBiblioteca Virtual
Perspectives on Brazilian (Canuto & Schellekens)
Three perspectives on Brazilian growth pessimism by Otaviano Canuto and Philip Schellekens published by World Bank (6/2014). “Over the last few years, Brazil’s growth has significantly decelerated. Accompanying this slowdown, a change in commentary on Brazil’s economic future has…
Meta plurianual de superávit primário seria um avanço diz Otaviano Canuto em entrevista à Reuters (3/2014). “A falta de transparência da política fiscal do Brasil é um dos principais motivos de insatisfação de investidores e empresários com a atual…