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Governments’ Role in Economy at Heart of Debts, Deficits Debate (IMF)

Governments’ Role in Economy at Heart of Debts, Deficits Debate published by IMF (4/2011).

“Amid concerns over large and increasing debts and deficits in advanced economies, and their potential risks to global economic and financial stability, the IMF’s 2nd Annual Fiscal Forum brought together policymakers from 35 countries, along with academics, to debate global fiscal issues a day after U.S. President Barack Obama announced $4 trillion in budget cuts.

Earlier in the week, the IMF released its latest global analysis of government debts and deficits, and said the outlook for 2011 is a mixed bag, with most advanced economies reining in fiscal deficits, but not fast enough to keep their debt from rising over the next few years…”

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