Juan de Onis indicated the article, Can´t cut spending? Look around the globe, by Tyler Cowen (NYT) . Tyler explains about the issue of fiscal responsability. For him, America’s long-run fiscal outlook is bleak, mostly because of an aging population and rising health care costs. Right now there is plenty of concern about debt and deficits, but consensus on which expenditures should be cut or reined in…see: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/18/business/18view.html
Fórum de Economia (FGV/EESP)
setembro 26, 2013Ampliação da Arrecadação (Da Silva & Calegari)
março 11, 2018Introducción a la economía (Castro & Lessa)
junho 5, 2020
BID BNDES Canuto CEPAL CIAT coronavirus COVID-19 Destaque Estadão Fabio Giambiagi Felipe Salto FGV François E. J. de Bremaeker FUNDAP Geraldo Biasoto Jr. Globo IDP IEDI IMF IPEA José R. Afonso José Roberto Afonso José Serra Juan Pablo Jiménez Kleber P. Castro LRF Mansueto Almeida Marcos Mendes Ministério da Fazenda OECD Teresa Ter-Minassian Valor Econômico Vito Tanzi World Bank Élida Graziane Pinto