Fiscal Policy Should Return to Fundamentals by Kenneth Rogoff published by Project Syndicate (8/2022). The longstanding argument that go-go Keynesian fiscal stimulus is the answer to every imaginable economic shock has been exposed as bankrupt. Nevertheless, readjustment of both…
Inequality, Immigration, and Hypocrisy by Kenneth Rogoff published Project Syndicate (5/2015). “Europe’s migration crisis exposes a fundamental flaw, if not towering hypocrisy, in the ongoing debate about economic inequality. Wouldn’t a true progressive support equal opportunity for all people…
Developing economy debt after the pandemic by M. Ayhan Kose, Franziska Ohnsorge, Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff published by VOXEU (11/2021) Global government debt soared in last year’s pandemic-induced global recession. It may now be tempting to rely on the post-pandemic…
The Uncertainty Pandemic by Kenneth Rogoff published by Project Syndicate (9/2020). Policymakers’ most important task is to try to reduce the massive lingering uncertainty regarding COVID-19 while continuing to provide emergency relief to the hardest-hit individuals and economic sectors….
A Chinese digital currency is the real threat, not Facebook’s Libra by Kenneth Rogoff published by The Guardian (11/2019). “Just as technology has disrupted media, politics, and business, it is on the verge of disrupting America’s ability to leverage…
The Trump deficit by Kenneth Rogoff published by Project Syndicate (1/2017). “It is a post-financial-crisis myth that austerity-minded conservative governments always favor fiscal prudence, while redistribution-oriented progressives view large deficits as the world’s biggest free lunch. This simplistic perspective,…