How to bake a (cr)edible medium-term fiscal pie, by Olivier Blanchard and Carlo Cottarelli. How can governments have their cake and eat it too? How can fiscal policy provide sufficient support to economic activity, and reassure markets that fiscal…
Assuntos FiscaisEnglish/Español
Commandments Fiscal Adjustment (Blanchard and Cottarelli)
jun 24, 2010, 12:00 AM 0
Ten Commandments for Fiscal Adjustment in Advanced Economies by Olivier Blanchard and Carlo Cottarelli offers commandments to make possible the difficult challenge faced by advanced economies of adjustment strategies without undermining a still fragile economic recovey. See
Fiscal Policy for the Crisis (Spilimbergo, Symansky, Blanchard and Cottarelli)
dez 29, 2008, 12:00 AM 0
IMF published "Fiscal Policy for the Crisis", as IMF Staff Position Note, 29/12/2008. The focus of this note is that the current crisis calls for policy measures to increase demand and restore confidence, "… specifically, given the limited room…