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The great convergence: global equality and its discontents by Branko Milanovic published by Foreign Affairs (6/2023). “We live in an age of inequality—or so we’re frequently told. Across the globe, but especially in the wealthy economies of the West,…

Europa Pós Covid-19: o plano de reativação da União Europeia publicado por IEDI (10/2020). “A exemplo do que ocorreu em muitas partes do mundo, a pandemia da Covid-19 afetou os países da União Europeia de forma sem precedentes, com…

New Data on World Debt: A Dive into Country Numbers by Marialuz Moreno Badia and Paolo Dudine published by IMF (12/2020). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF and its Executive…

The ‘war’ on COVID-19: What real wars do (and don’t) teach us about the economic impact of the pandemic by Gary Pinkus and Sree Ramaswamy published by McKinsey & Company (5/2020)    “The specter of war is frequently invoked…

Como convive a Teoria Económica com a covid-19? por Manuel Mira Godinho (4/2020). “A saída da actual crise, primeiro sanitária e depois económica, implica que sejamos práticos nas nossas soluções, mas simultaneamente exigentes e ambiciosos. Se a covid-19 trouxe…

Fiscal policy in a Depressed Economy by J. Bradford Delong and Lawrence H. Summers (2012). “This paper examines fiscal policy in the context of an economy suffering, like the United States today, from protracted high unemployment and output short of potencial….

Capitalizing on good times – Fiscal Monitor published by IMF (4/2018). “Strong and broad-based growth provides an opportunity to begin rebuilding fiscal buffers now, improve government balances, and anchor public debt. Strengthening fiscal buffers in the upswing will create…

Panorama de los gastos tributarios en América Latina, principales estadísticas de la Base de Datos del CIAT por Fernando Peláez Longinotti publicado por CIAT (11/2017). “Buena parte de las modificaciones que se pretendan introducir en el sistema trbibutario estarán…