Home > Andrés Velasco

Getting the Diagnosis Right by Ricardo Hausmann, Dani Rodrik, and Andrés Velasco published by IMF (3/2006). “A new approach to economic reformDuring the past 15 years, there has been a tremendous focus on achieving growth in developing countries in…

Brazilian Debt Jitters by Andrés Velasco and Frank Muci published by Project Syndicate (3/2021). “Brazil seems determined to test the limits of financial markets’ tolerance for debt accumulation. It is not hard to come up with scenarios in which…

Evolución, no revolución, en la economia por Andrés Velasco publicado por Project Syndicate (2/2021). “LONDRES – Mientras contemplan sus modelos en silencio, los macroeconomistas oyen a la distancia el resonar de una revuelta.  Hace un año, el premio Nobel…

Concurso de Monografias em Finanças Públicas – Jubileu de Prata – Cerimônia de premiação do XXV Prêmio Tesouro Nacional com palestra de Andrés Velasco Convidamos para a palestra “Restrições em política fiscal em um mundo pós-Covid” do economista Andrés…

Are We All Keynesians Again? by Andrés Velasco published by Project Syndicate (8/2020). A common refrain nowadays is that after COVID-19, Milton Friedman is out and John Maynard Keynes is in. But if, as the famous quote often attributed…