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Digital Transformation and COVID Adaptation (Carr)

Digital Transformation and COVID Adaptation by Brad Carr published by Institute of International Finance (4/2020).

“The last couple of weeks have seen North Americans and Europeans moving en masse to new ‘working from home’ arrangements, following the earlier lead of many of our peers in Asia, protecting themselves and seeking to slow the rate of COVID-19 transmission throughout their communities.

Amidst this new reality, the IIF and Deloitte have continued researching our Realizing The Digital Promise three-part series, interviewing various Chief Digital Officers and Heads of Innovation, increasingly speaking from the comfort of our and their homes. The insights we have gleaned are once again considerable, both on the enduring issues with effecting digital transformation in financial institutions, and also on the actualities of working in the current situation.

Interestingly, there are some striking parallels between the two. Firstly, there are some notable success stories with the deployment of new technological solutions. But equally, there are challenges, and for some the case of adapting to work effectively in the current predicament is perhaps presenting a microcosm of the digital transformation journey. And thirdly, there is a common emphasis on customercentricity.

Accordingly, this article is a brief supplement to the IIF-Deloitte series, observing these parallels, and identifying potential implications for the known cultural challenges…”

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