“The Impact of the Crisis on the Real Economy” by Daniel Gros and Cinzia Alcidi. They comment that the recent financial crisis was caused by a combination of asset price bubbles, mainly in the real estate sector and a credit bubble that led to excessive leverage both accounts the euro area was affected by both ‘bubble’ symptoms as much as the US. A recurrent theme of this paper is that an appropriate assessment of the crisis should be made in light of the bubble that preceded it. Accordingly, the current situation should be compared to a no-bubble benchmark rather than the pre-crisis period. Furthermore, the fall in GDP may be a flawed measure of the severity of the crisis if we aim to assess the true impact of the crisis on the wider public: the latter is more affected by job stability and consumption paths than GDP statistics. See: http://www.ceps.eu/book/impact-crisis-real-economy
- Como usar as compras governamentais para impulsionar a competitividade (Mídia)
- El modelo centro-periferia y la economía política (Nassif)
- State Transformation in Brazil Designing (Mazzucato)
- Competition Policy in a Simple General Equilibrium Model (Kaplow)
- School Tracking and Mental Health (Böckerman et al.)
Fórum de Economia (FGV/EESP)
setembro 26, 2013Ampliação da Arrecadação (Da Silva & Calegari)
março 11, 2018Introducción a la economía (Castro & Lessa)
junho 5, 2020
BID BNDES Canuto CEPAL CIAT coronavirus COVID-19 Destaque Estadão Fabio Giambiagi Felipe Salto FGV François E. J. de Bremaeker FUNDAP Geraldo Biasoto Jr. Globo IDP IEDI IMF IPEA José R. Afonso José Roberto Afonso José Serra Juan Pablo Jiménez Kleber P. Castro LRF Mansueto Almeida Marcos Mendes Ministério da Fazenda OECD Teresa Ter-Minassian Valor Econômico Vito Tanzi World Bank Élida Graziane Pinto