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The Global Competitiveness Report 2019 by Klaus Schwab published by World Economic Forum (2019).   “Globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution have created new opportunities but also disruption and polarization within and between economies and societies. In this context,…

Jobs of tomorrow – mapping opportunity in the new economy published by World Economic Forum (2020). “The Fourth Industrial Revolution, demographic change, industrial transitions and changing consumer needs are creating demand for millions of new jobs, with vast new…

What they’re saving about the future of work: key quotes from Davos by Samantha Sault (1/2020). This article is parte of the World Economia Fórum Annual Meeting. The World Economic Forum has launched an initiative to provide 1 billion…

Investing in (and for) our future published by World Economic Forum (6/2019). “Pension systems around the world all face a commom problem – the strain put on existing promises for retirement because of increases in life expectancy. The retirement…

The future of jobs report 2018 published by World Economic Forum. “A particular focus of this new edition of the report is on arriving at a better understanding of the potential of new tecnologies, including automation and algorithms, to…

The future of jobs published by World Economic Forum (1/2018). “The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes developments in previously disjointed fields such as artificial intelligence and machine-learning, robotics, nanotechnology, 3-D priting, and genetics and biotechnology, will cause widespread disruption…

The global competitiveness report 2017-2018 published by World Economic Forum (2017). “Ten years on from the global financial crisis, the prospects for a sustained economic recovery remain at risk due to a widespread failure on the part of leaders…

The global competitiveness report 2016-2017 published by World Economic Forum (2016). “The Report is being launched at a time of rising income inequality, mounting social and political tensions, and a general feeling of uncertainty about the future. Growth remains…