Debt supercycle, not secular stagnation by Kenneth Rogott published by VOXEU (4/2015). “Weak, post-Crisis growth has been blamed on secular stagnation. This column argues that the ‘financial crisis/debt supercycle’ view provides a more accurate and useful framework for understanding…
Financial and sovereign debt crises: some lessons learned and those forgotten by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published by IMF, indicated by Alvaro Manoel (12/2013). “Even after one of the most severe multi-year crises on record in the advanced…
Financial and sovereign debt crises: Some lessons learned and those forgotten by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published by IMF (12/2013). “…The current phase of the official policy approach is predicated on the assumption that debt sustainability can be…
A decade of debt by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, published by VOXEU. “This paper presents evidence that public debts in the advanced economies have surged in recent years to levels not recorded since the end of World War…
“Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes” Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff. The paper suggests an intimate connection between the global imbalances of the 2000s and the recent global financial crisis. Recomended by Alvaro Manoel.
Debt and growth revisited by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, published by VOXEU (11/08/2010). This column presents the Reinhart-Rogoff findings on the relationship between debt and growth based on data from 44 countries over 200 years, clarifying the…
No need for a panicked fiscal surge by Kenneth Rogoff. For him, output growth is likely to remain tepid compared with a normal post-recession recovery. Europe’s sovereign debt and banking problems are unlikely to disappear soon. In this environment,…
Fernando Dantas publicou em seu blog a entrevista completa Rogoff: balanço da crise global, feita com Kenneth Rogoff, professor de Harvard, ex-economista-chefe do FMI e autor, junto com Carmen Reinhart, do livro “. Oito Séculos de Delírios Financeiros/Desta Vez…