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High debt, low rates, and tail events: Rules-based fiscal frameworks under stress by Niels Thygesen, Roel Beetsma, Massimo Bordignon, Xavier Debrun, Mateusz Szczurek, Martin Larch, Matthias Busse, Mateja Gabrijelcic, Laszlo Jankovics, Stefano Santacroce published by VOXEU (3/2021) National governments and…

Reforming the EU fiscal framework: Now is the time by Niels Thygesen, Roel Beetsma, Massimo Bordignon, Xavier Debrun, Mateusz Szczurek, Martin Larch, Matthias Busse, Mateja Gabrijelcic, Eloïse Orseau, Stefano Santacroce published by VOXEU (10/2020) “This year’s annual report of the…

Independent Fiscal Councils: watchdogs or lapdogs? by Roel Beetsma and Xavier Debrun published by VOXEU (1/2018). “The essays in this book survey the motivations for IFCs, analyse their core features and effectiveness in varied institutional settings, distill elements of…

Independent fiscal councils and the conduct of fiscal policy: insights from a new eBook by Roel Beetsma and Xavier Debrun published by VOXEU (1/2018). “The proliferation of independent fiscal councils raises the question as to how toothless watchdogs can…