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Economists vs. Economics by Dani Rodrik published by Project Syndicate (9/2015). “…Let us cherish economics in all its diversity – rational and behavioral, Keynesian and Classical, first-best and second-best, orthodox and heterodox – and devote our energy to becoming…

What use are the economists? by Dani Rodrik published by Project Syndicate (5/2013). “When the stakes are high, it is no surprise that battling political opponents use whatever support they can garner from economists and other researchers. That is…

Os vencedores na nova economia artigo de Dani Rodrik publicado no Valor Econômico. “…independentemente da forma como esses desafios imediatos venham a ser resolvidos, é evidente que a economia mundial está também entrando em uma difícil fase de longo…

Global poverty amid global plenty: Getting globalization right by Dani Rodrik (05/2012), published by Americas Quarterly. “The proximate cause of poverty is low productivity. Poor people are poor because their labor produces too little to adequately feed and house…

O Professor de Harvard Dani Rodrik assina coluna na qual analisa a economia mundial da perspectiva dos países em desenvolvimento. Para ele, após o fim da crise é provável que se mantenha uma desacaleração do comércio e dos fluxos…

Presentation of Professor Dani Rodrik held at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, on global capitalism has the key ideas, according what is written in his weblog: "the malleable nature of capitalism, and the need to deploy…

Dani Rodrik assina artigo publicado no Valor, em 13/3/3009, denominado Culpe os Economistas, não a Economia: “Foram os economistas os que popularizaram a idéia de que um setor financeiro sem amarras representava um benefício para a sociedade. Agrave; medida…