Home > Paolo Mauro

The State as Financier of Last Resort by Bryn Battersby, Raphael A Espinoza, Jason Harris, Gee Hee Hong, Sandra V Lizarazo Ruiz, Paolo Mauro, Amanda Sayegh published by IMF, indicated by Alvaro Manoel (10/2022). During the COVID-19 pandemic and…

Inversión pública para la recuperación by Vitor Gaspar, Paolo Mauro, Catherine Pattillo y Raphael Espinoza published by IMF (10/2020). “Los gobiernos de todo el mundo están tomando medidas extraordinarias para afrontar la crisis de la COVID-19. Sin dejar de centrarse en dar respuesta a…

Fiscal policies to protect people during the coronavirus outbreak by Vitor Gaspar and Paolo Mauro published by IMF (3/2020). “A key role of government is to protect the well-being of its people—most crucially and visibly during emergencies such as…

Tachling corruption in government by Vitor Gaspar, Paolo Mauro and Paulo Medas published by IMF (4/2019). “No country is immune to corruption. The abuse of public office for private gain erodes people’s trust in government and institutions, makers public…

Lessons from the old masters on assessing equity and efficiency: A primer for fiscal policymakers by Vitor Gaspar, Paolo Mauro and Tigran Poghosyan published by IMF (10/2017). “How can a society’s well-being be measured to include not only average…