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Excess Savings during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Aditya Aladangady, David Cho, Laura Feiveson, and Eugenio Pinto published by Board of Governors of the  Federal Reserve System (10/2022). “Over the pandemic, historic levels of government transfers boosted household income while household spending was…

Dampening the Impact of Global Financial Shocks on Emerging Market Economies by Damiano Sandri published by IMFBlog (5/2020).   “The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting emerging markets through an unprecedented combination of domestic and external shocks. Among the latter, the pandemic…

Federalism Meets the COVID-19 Pandemic: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally by Beth Duff-Brown published by SLS (4/2020).   “As we watch President Trump tell the states they have to do more to find their own personal protective equipment for their…

Fiscal Monitor (IMF)

Fiscal Monitor published by IMF (4/2020) Chapter 1: Policies to Support People During the COVID-19 Pandemic This report argues that fiscal policies are at the forefront of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fiscal measures can save lives, protect the…

Leviathan as a Partial Cure? Opportunities and Pitfalls of Using the State-Owned Apparatus to Respond to the Covid-19 Crisis by Sergio Lazzarini and Aldo Musacchio (2020).   “The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic has sparked a new debate on the merits…

A Proposal for Social Insurance During the Pandemic published by Greg Mankiw’s Blog (4/2020). There has been a lot of discussion about how to best help people through the difficult economic times being caused by the pandemic. Some economists…

A timeline of central bank responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by Christopher G. Collins and Joseph E. Gagnon published by PIIE (2020). “The near certainty of a major global recession means that governments must continue to harness both monetary and…

The European Union and democracy must deliver by Group of concerned economists published by VOXEU (3/2020). The world is living an extreme event that threatens the health and the economic wellbeing of the entire population. Large portions of the…