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Subnational Investments in Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Some Financing and Governance Issues by Luiz de Mello, Teresa Ter-Minassian published by International Center for Public Policy (12/2023). This paper explores the role of subnational investments in climate change…

O desenho das regras fiscais: Tendências internacionais apresentação realizada por Luiz de Mello em Webinar promovido pelo TCU e pela FIESP (3/2022). “Discussão atual: Qual é o futuro das regras fiscais? A pandemia oferece uma oportunidade para que os…

The COVID-19 crisis creates an opportunity to step up digitalisation among subnational governments by Luiz de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian published by OECD (4/2020).    “Recent decades have seen rapid growth of advanced digital technologies, including high-speed computing, big…

Financiamento da segurança social: além do impacto fiscal apresentação realizada por Luiz de Mello no Fórum de Lisboa (4/2019). “As soluções vão além das reformas destinadas a atenuar os impactos fiscais e incluem políticas complementares, sobretudo na área do…

Brazil: An evolving federation by José R. Afonso and Luiz de Mello published by IMF (11/2000). “The paper will shed some light on a few aspects of Brazilian federalism that have been overlooket in recent literature. The main recent…

Intergovernmental fiscal cooperation: International experiences and possible lessons for Brazil by Teresa Ter-Minassian and Luiz de Mello published by IDB (5/2016). “…In particular, the effectiveness of IFC could be enhanced in Brazil by establishing forums for vertical cooperation between…