Home > Louise Sheiner

The Hutchins Center’s Fiscal Impact Measure: Methodology by Louise Sheiner, Sage Belz, Sophia Campbell, and Manuel Alcalá Kovalski  published by The Brookings (12/2021). “The Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy’s Fiscal Impact Measure (FIM) is a gauge of the contribution of…

How does unemployment insurance work? And how is it changing during the coronavirus pandemic? by Manuel Alcalá Kovalski and Louise Sheiner published by Brookings, indicated by Alvaro Manoel (7/2020).   “Unemployment insurance is a major element of the U.S. government’s response…

GDP as a measure of economic well-being by Karen Dynan and Louise Sheiner published by HCFMP at Brookings (8/2018). “…We conclude that mostly it does, but there are two important measurement challenges. One challenge is the treatment of so-called…

The Hutchins center’s fiscal impact measure by Louise Sheiner published by Brookings (10/2014). “According to the latest reading, federal, state, and local fiscal policies added to the pace of economic growth in the second quarter. Fiscal policy at all…