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Sem BNDES (Kregel)

Sem BNDES, Brasil não financiava sua indústria, diz o economista americano Jan Kregel, professor do Missouri, em entrevista ao GLOBO. Para Kregel se o Brasil tivesse um controle mais efetivo do capital financeiro, o país poderia sofrer menos os…

“Minsky Moments and Minsky’s Proposals for Regulation of an Unstable Financial System” by Jan Kregel is the draft of the opening remarks for the 19th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference. The power point presentation used by Kregel on the…

Minsky moments and Minsky’s proposals for regulation of an unstable financial system by Jan Kregel. “The ensuring collapse of liquidity and implosion of the financial system was baptized the ‘Minsky Moment’ While Minsky spent much of his academic career…