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Tax Administration Responses to COVID-19: Recovery Period Planning published by CIAT/IOTA/OECD (2020).   Recovery from the profound impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s lives, jobs, businesses and the wider economy is likely to be lengthy, challenging and multifaceted….

Tax Administration Responses to COVID-19: Measures Taken to Support Taxpayers by OECD, IOTA and CIAT (4/2020). “The OECD Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA) and the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), have…

Considerando los nuevos desafíos digitales del siglo 21, la Cumbre Tributaria sobre la Economía Digital, promovido por la asociación entre el CIAT y IOTA, en el evento reunió las administraciones tributarias de todas partes del mundo en Lisboa para…