Home > Hansjörg Blöchliger

Fiscal constitutions: an empirical assessment by Hansjörg Blöchliger and Jaroslaw Kantorowicz published by OECD (2015). “Fiscal constitutions comprise the set of rules and frameworks guiding fiscal policy that are enshrined in a country’s fundamental laws. This paper compares the…

Fiscal decentralisation and regional disparities by David Bartolini, Sibylle Stossberg and Hansjörg Blöchliger published by OECD (10/2016). “Fiscal decentralisation can lead to a more efficient provision of local public goods and services and promote a better match between policies…

Fiscal decentralisation and income inequality – empirical evidence from OECD countries by Sibylle Stossberg, David Bartolini and Hansjörg Blöchliger published by OECD (10/2016). “This paper investigates the relationship between fiscal decentralisation and economy-wide disposable income inequality…”