Arthur Garbayo indicated the report, Exit strategy to restore fiscal health, by Lee Dong-Won, for SERI. Based on economic agent´s strategic responses to the fiscal exit strategy, this report presents three likely scenarios. To restore fiscal discipline, the government…
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- Competition Policy in a Simple General Equilibrium Model (Kaplow)
- School Tracking and Mental Health (Böckerman et al.)
Fórum de Economia (FGV/EESP)
setembro 26, 2013Ampliação da Arrecadação (Da Silva & Calegari)
março 11, 2018Introducción a la economía (Castro & Lessa)
junho 5, 2020
BID BNDES Canuto CEPAL CIAT coronavirus COVID-19 Destaque Estadão Fabio Giambiagi Felipe Salto FGV François E. J. de Bremaeker FUNDAP Geraldo Biasoto Jr. Globo IDP IEDI IMF IPEA José R. Afonso José Roberto Afonso José Serra Juan Pablo Jiménez Kleber P. Castro LRF Mansueto Almeida Marcos Mendes Ministério da Fazenda OECD Teresa Ter-Minassian Valor Econômico Vito Tanzi World Bank Élida Graziane Pinto