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International Debt Statistics (The World Bank)

International Debt Statistics published by The World Bank (2022).

Now in its forty-eighth year, International Debt Statistics (IDS) supports policymakers and analysts by monitoring aggregate and country-specific trends in external debt in low- and middle-income countries. It provides a comprehensive picture of external borrowing and sources of lending by type of borrower and creditor with information on data availability and comparability. To further enhance debt transparency, this year’s report introduces additional features, such additional information on average lending terms by creditor country and the currency composition of debt stock. The Central Bank is also featured separately in the borrower composition along with its debt instruments. In addition, the IDS-DSSI database includes the actual debt service deferred in 2020 by each bilateral creditor and the projected monthly debt-service payments owed to all bilateral creditors for year 2021. The IDS 2022 publication provides a select set of indicators, with an expanded data set available online.

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