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Why Does Latin America Underperform published by Group of Thirty (9/2023). “This paper provides an overview and analysis of why Latin America is failing to converge to the income levels of advanced economies – that is, why it continues…

Transformational change in Latin America and the Caribbean: A mission-oriented approach by Mariana Mazzucato published by ECLAC (10/2022). The current economic and social challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean have highlighted both the region’s structural problems and the…

New Missions for Latin America por Mariana Mazzucato published by Project Syndicate (10/2022). Strategic clarity is needed now more than ever to face both the immediate cost-of-living crisis and the longer-term structural challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean….

Latin America’s Growing Equality: Myth or Reality?, by Jeffrey Puryear, was released by Inter-American Dialogue and discusses if Latin America has found an effective and sustainable strategy for reducing inequality and if the trend will be maintained. http://migre.me/RWgK

Disponibilização do material apresentado no Workshop "Relaciones intergubernamentales y descentralización en América Latina", organizado pela CEPAL e GTZ, ocorrido nos dias 25 e 26/11/09 em Santiago, Chile. Link para apresentações: http://www.eclac.cl/de/agenda/3/37893/Agenda_Taller_Descentralizacion.pdf

El Parlamento y el pacto fiscal en el contexto de la crisis fue tema de comentarios de José Roberto Afonso en la Conferencia CEPAL/Unión Europea "Las Políticas Públicas ante la crisis global". Concluye que la reacción de la región…