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Fórum: Perspectivas Práticas Divergências metodológicas dos Tribunais de Contas e seus efeitos sobre as regras de despesa com pessoal por Marcelo de Sousa Teixeira (9/2020). O presente artigo expõe as divergências entre as metodologias adotadas pelos Tribunais de Contas…

Keeping Business Alive: The Government as Buyer of Last Resort by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman The coronavirus threatens the world’s economic life. Social distancing measures, essential to fight the epidemic, are sharply reducing demand in sectors such as…

Subdued Momentum (IMF)

World Economic Outlook – Global manufacturing downturn, rising trade barries published by IMF (10/2019). “…To strengthen resilience, policymakers should address financial vulnerabilities that pose risks to growth in the médium term. Making growth more inclusive, which is essential for…

Improving Infrastructure (IDB)

Improving infrastructure financing in Brazil published by IDB (1/2019). “This report presents a series of recommendations intended to address some of the main challenges facing Brazil’s infrastructure sector as it transitions to a new financing model in which the…

Servicios Sociales (BID)

Servicios sociales para ciudadanos digitales: Oportunidades para América Latina y el Caribe por Cristina Pombo e Ravi Gupta publicado pelo BID (5/2018). “Disruption is the new norm and the digital transformation can spur innovation growth across many activities. Emerging…

Los costos del crimen y de la violencia: nueva evidencia y hallazgos en América Latina y el Caribe por Laura Jaitman published by BID (2017) –  – Custos de bem-estar do crime no Brasil: um país de contrastes por Dino…

Qué hay detrás de las estadísticas oficiales? por José Antonio M. Guerra y Karla Yee Amézaga publicado por Gobernarte (8/2018). “La capacidad de la oficina nacional de estadística es un reflejo del nivel de desarrollo de ese país. Por…

Brasil: Culpa, vergonha ou medo? por Rubens Penha Cysne (6/2017). “Dos três elementos psicológicos de punição coletiva a desvios da norma social, a culpa cristã, a vergonha asiática e o medo difuso, o retrato que emerge da sociedade brasileira…

Higher Education: Perspectives and international experiences by FGV EPGE and University of BATH. “The twenty-first century has brought with it profound challenges to the nature, values, and control of higher education in Brazil. Societal expectations and public resources for…

Global flows in a digital age by James Manyika, Jacques Bughin, Susan Lund, Olivia Nottebohm, David Poulter, Sebastian Jauch, and Sree Ramaswamy published by Mckinsey Global Institute (4/2014). “Global flows have been a common thread in economic growth for…