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A Keynes for all seasons published by The Economist (2013). “In the years since the publication in 1936 of “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”, John Maynard Keynes’s name has been irretrievably linked to the idea that…

From Great Depression to Great Recession: The Elusive Quest for International Policy Cooperation by Atish R. Ghosh and Mahvash S. Qureshi (editors) published by International Monetary Fund (2017). The global financial crisis and the ensuing Great Recession raised concerns…

O intelectual errante por Mario Vargas Llosa publicado por O Estado de S. Paulo (2/2021). “Neste mundo abalado, a voz equilibrada de Albert O. Hirschman há de nos fazer falta Albert O. Hirschman era um judeu-alemão que, assim como…

O fim do “laissez-faire”: Uma releitura do artigo de Keynes pela perspectiva político-econômica sobre a Economia Liberal por Anderson Nunes de Carvalho Vieira publicado por Revista de Economia Política e História Econômica (7/2020) “Keynes foi um economista crítico e…

Keynes’s state planning: from Bolshevism to the General Theory by João Sicsú published by IE/UFRJ (2020) “On 14 March 1932, Keynes stated: “There is a new conception in the air today – a new conception of the possible functions…