The challenges of consumption taxation in Brazil’s digital economy by José Evande Carvalho Araujo, José Roberto Rodrigues Afonso, Celso de Barros Correia Neto published by Revista Brasileira de Direito (12/2023). This article supports that consumption taxation in Brazil, in addition to general challenges imposed on all countries by the digital economy, faces specific problems arising from historical particularities: limited tax …
Changing Climate in Brazil: Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities by Chen Chen, Koralai Kirabaeva, Christina Kolerus, Ian Parry, Nate Vernon published by IMF (8/2024). This paper assesses the Brazilian economy’s exposure to climate change focusing on two key areas: agriculture and hydropower. While climate vulnerabilities are significant and recent patterns of land-use further amplify climate change risk, Brazil’s opportunities for green …
The green transition and public finances: Balancing climate mitigation and fiscal Sustainability by Stéphane Dees, Caterina Seghini published by VOXEU (8/2024). The need to mitigate climate change has never been more urgent. Governments play a critical role in the green transition, through green public investment, subsidies, and implementing carbon pricing policies. This column uses a macro-climate model to examine the interplay …
Tasks At Work: Comparative Advantage, Technology and Labor Demand by Daron Acemoglu, Fredric Kong, Pascual Restrepo published by NBER (8/2024). This chapter reviews recent advances in the task model and shows how this framework can be put to work to understand the major labor market trends of the last several decades. Production in each industry necessitates the completion of a …
Referencial para controle externo de concessões e parcerias público privadas publicado por TCU (2024). Este documento visa sistematizar o conteúdo técnico contemporâneo, associando-o à prática do controle externo exercido pelos tribunais de contas, de modo a contribuir preventivamente para a melhoria do desempenho e dos resultados das políticas públicas por meio da fiscalização de concessões e PPPs, nos setores de …
The future of European competitiveness: Part A | A competitiveness strategy for Europe published by European Commission (2024) "Europe has been worrying about slowing growth since the start of this century. Various strategies to raise growth rates have come and gone, but the trend has remained unchanged. Across different metrics, a wide gap in GDP has opened up between the …
Previdência complementar no Brasil: mercado potencial e proposta de renda vitalícia para idade avançada por Mariana Rodrigues Teixeira, José Ronaldo de Castro Souza Júnior, Thiago Pedra Signorelli (2024). Este artigo explora a potencialidade do Regime de Previdência Complementar (RPC) como um caminho para aumentar a poupança privada e garantir uma aposentadoria segura em um contexto de envelhecimento populacional. Utilizando o …
Remote work’s Growth by Nicholas Bloom published by International Monetary Fund (9/2024). “Economics is famous for being the dismal science. Sadly, recent work highlight ing the slowdown in productivity growth stretching back to the 1950s is no excep tion. But I take a more cheerful view because of the great productivity gains prom ised by the pandemic-induced jump in working …
The Long-Run Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers: the Case of Bolsa Familia in Brazil by Luis Laguinge, Leonardo Gasparini and Guido Neidhöfer published by CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata (4/2024). Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) have become a key antipoverty policy in Latin America in the last 25 years. The ultimate goal of this kind of programs is to break the …
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