Atualizações da Semana
Atualização , 29/06/2024

Tecnologia deve favorecer o governo e a democracia (Afonso)

Tecnologia deve favorecer o governo e a democracia (Afonso)
"Tecnologia deve favorecer o governo e a democracia", diz José Roberto Afonso – publicado em Correio Braziliense (5/2024). “Economista afirma que não vê qualquer sinal de descontrole nas contas públicas e defende controle maior dos gastos do governo por meio do uso da inteligência artificial Um dos pais da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF), que completa 24 anos neste mês, …

Social Security Reforms, Retirement and Sectoral Decisions (Delalibera et al.)

Social Security Reforms, Retirement and Sectoral Decisions by Bruno Delalibera, Pedro Cavalcanti, Rafael Parente published by FGV/EPGE (2024). In many countries, the regulations governing public and private pension systems, hiring procedures, and job contracts differ. Public sector employees tend to have longer tenures and higher wages compared to workers in the private sector. As such, social security reforms can affect …

Sérgio Prado

Apresentação do novo site de Sérgio Prado (2024). "Este site tem do objetivo de disponibilizar a estudantes e pesquisadores, de forma ordenada e comentada, uma parcela da minha produção acadêmica. Estão omitidos aqui todos os trabalhos que considero datados, conjunturais e que não trazem qualquer contribuição relevante. O que está aqui apresentado é o que eu considero digno de alguma …

Maria da Conceição Tavares

Maria da Conceição Tavares teve influência duradoura na economia brasileira publicado por Revista FAPESP (6/2024). "Com estilo combativo, ela escreveu trabalhos que abriram novas perspectivas para a compreensão da realidade do país Maria da Conceição Tavares, professora que formou gerações de economistas e influenciou o debate sobre a indústria e o desenvolvimento no Brasil, morreu na madrugada do dia 8 …

AI: Hope or Hype? (Project Syndicate)

AI: Hope or Hype? published by Project Syndicate (6/2024) At the latest Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple announced that it is not only launching its own suite of artificial-intelligence models, but also integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT into its devices and software. As AI increasingly penetrates our lives, debates about the technology’s risks and potential are reaching fever pitch.

Riding the rollercoaster (Brochado & Dougherty)

Riding the rollercoaster: Subnational debt in turbulent times by Acauã Brochado and Sean Dougherty published by OECD (6/2024). With interest rates at their highest levels in two decades, subnational governments (SNGs) are grappling with growing debt sustainability concerns. This paper investigates SNGs’ financing vulnerabilities by examining their debt levels and sensitivity to interest rate fluctuations. It provides an in-depth analysis …

Managing rising subnational fiscal risks (Mello & Ter-Minassian)

Managing rising subnational fiscal risks by Luiz de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian published by OECD (6/2024) Subnational governments face a range of fiscal risks, defined as events whose realisation leads to significant deviations of revenue and/or expenditure from budgeted amounts. Fiscal risks reflect unforeseen macroeconomic developments, as well as structural shifts in the economy, including digitalisation and climate change. Sound …

New generative-AI technologies (Dabla-Norris et al.)

Fiscal Policy Can Help Broaden the Gains of AI to Humanity by Era Dabla-Norris, Ruud de Mooij published by IMF (6/2024) “The AI transition will require stronger social safety nets, investment in education, and tax systems that support human workers and mitigate inequality New generative-AI technologies hold immense potential for boosting productivity and improving the delivery of public services, but the sheer speed and …

Mapping the World's Readiness for Artificial Intelligence Shows Prospects Diverge (Melina)

Mapping the World's Readiness for Artificial Intelligence Shows Prospects Diverge by Giovanni Melina published by IMF (6/2024). “New AI Preparedness Index Dashboard tracks 174 economies based on their digital infrastructure, human capital, labor policies, innovation, integration and regulation Artificial intelligence can increase productivity, boost economic growth, and lift incomes. However, it could also wipe out millions of jobs and widen inequality. …

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