Ciclos de debates - A Constituição pelos Constituintes: Comissões do Sistema Tributário, Orçamento e Finanças e da Ordem Econômica, evento promovido pelo IDP, que ocorreu no dia 6 de junho de 2022, segunda-feira Horário: 14h. Participantes: Cássio Cunha Lima Benito Gama Aldo Arantes Nelton Friedrich Prof. Dr. José Roberto Afonso Mediadores: Profa. Dra. Clarita Costa Maia Consultor Legislativo Luiz Ricardo …
Rethinking Supply Chains by Diane Coyle published by Project Syndicate (6/2022). "Starting in the 1980s, transnational production enabled the expansion of global trade and low prices for goods, contributing significantly to economic growth. But the shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have shown firms that the efficiency gains implied by the global division of labor – …
Progressividade tributária e crescimento econômico livro organizado por Manoel Pires com participação dos autores Bráulio Borges, Débora Freire Cardoso, Fábio Goto, Guilherme Silva Cardoso, Nelson Barbosa, Pedro Vitorino, Rodrigo Orair, Sérgio Wulff Gobetti, Tailiny Ventura publicado por Observatório de Política Fiscal, FGV/IBRE (2022). O Observatório de Política Fiscal lança um livro que reúne trabalhos de vários pesquisadores para tratar do …
The impact on trade and development of the war in Ukraine published by UNCTAD (3/2022). The results confirm a rapidly worsening outlook for the world economy, underpinned by rising food, fuel and fertilizer prices, heightened financial volatility, sustainable development divestment, complex global supply chain reconfigurations and mounting trade costs. This rapidly evolving situation is alarming for developing countries, and especially …
Fiscal Decentralization Improves Social Outcomes When Countries Have Good Governance prepared by Ryota Nakatani, Qianqian Zhang, and Isaura Garcia Valdes published by IMF (6/2022). Does fiscal decentralization improve health and educational outcomes? Does this improvement depend on the quality of governance? How do fiscal decentralization and governance interact? We answer these questions through an instrumental variable Tobit analysis of cross-country …
Tax Reform In Latin America: A Long-Term Assessment by Vito Tanzi published by Wilson Center (5/2013). “Latin American taxation has been one of the enduring and continuing interests in my professional life, an interest that has stretched over a half a century. My first published papers on that topic were in the mid 1960s. My most recent ones were published …
Does financial education in high school affect retirement savings in adulthood? by Melody Harvey, Carly Urban published by TIAA Institute (2/2022). Research suggests financial literacy levels, particularly among the young, are extremely low and those with higher levels of financial literacy are more likely to participate in the stock market, plan for retirement, and possess the financial sophistication that leads …
O Labirinto Visto de Cima - Saídas para o Desenvolvimento do Brasil por Fabio Giambiagi, Ricardo Barboza (Autores) publicado pela Editora LUX (6/2022). “Somos soldados do desenvolvimento”. Foi com essa afirmativa – praticamente, uma conclamação - que fui recebido ao ingressar no BNDES em 1984. Também se afirmava o papel do BNDES como “agente de mudanças”. E, desde então, o Brasil mudou. Em muitos …
Renúncia de receitas: estudo dos impactos financeiros no estado do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 2003 a 2014 por Giovana Bolzan, Márcia Bianchi publicado por Revista de Administração e Contabilidade (6/2017) A edição da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal trouxe à tona assuntos como transparência dos gastos públicos e responsabilidade na gestão fiscal, por meio do que se legitimou …
Debt Reduction, Fiscal Adjustment, and Growth in Credit-Constrained Economies by Emanuele Baldacci, Sanjeev Gupta, and Carlos Mulas-Granados published by IMF, indicated by Teresa Ter-Minassian (11/2013). This paper assesses the effects of fiscal consolidations associated with public debt reduction on medium-term output growth during periods of private debt deleveraging. The analysis covers 107 countries and 79 episodes of public debt reduction …
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