Atualizações da Semana
Atualização , 14/05/2022

Population, Productivity, and Sustainable Consumption (Pindyck)

Population, Productivity, and Sustainable Consumption (Pindyck)
Population, Productivity, and Sustainable Consumption by Robert S. Pindyck published by NBER (5/2022). How does the sustainable level of consumption depend on productivity growth and the size and growth rate of the population? What is the effect of uncertainty over these growth rates? I address these questions using a model in which productivity and population growth are stochastic, and social …

Public Management Reform and Economic and Social Development (Keating)

Public Management Reform and Economic and Social Development by Michael Keating published by OECD (2001) Most OECD Member countries have sought to renew their systems and structures of public management in the last 10-15 years. Some started earlier than others and the emphasis will vary among Member countries according to their historic traditions and institutions. There is no single best …

Public Administration after “New Public Management” (OECD)

Public Administration after “New Public Management” published by OECD (2010). “At the request of the Dutch government, the OECD Secretariat conducted a study on the organisation of central government from the perspective of value for money. The Dutch government is interested in a comparative analysis, both quantitative and qualitative. The OECD Secretariat was asked to focus the quantitative analysis on …

Public Spending Reviews Design, conduct, implementation (Vandierendonck)

Public Spending Reviews Design, conduct, implementation by Caroline Vandierendonck published by European Commission (2014). Public expenditure accounts for almost half of the annual wealth created in the EU (49.0% of GDP in 2013 1). A major policy lesson stemming from the crisis is the need to enhance expenditure performance, which can be defined as the reinforced connection between funding decisions …

Fim à Guerra de Atrito na Ucrânia (Sachs)

Fim à Guerra de Atrito na Ucrânia by Jeffrey D. Sachs published by Project Syndicate (5/2022).              NOVAYORK – As guerras muitas vezes eclodem e persistem por causa dos erros de cálculo dos dois lados em relação ao seu poder relativo. No caso da Ucrânia, a Rússia cometeu um grave erro ao subestimar a determinação dos ucranianos de lutar e a …

Educational Inequality (Blanden et al.)

Educational Inequality by Jo Blanden, Matthias Doepke, and Jan Stuhler published by NBER (4/2022). This chapter provides new evidence on educational inequality and reviews the literature on the causes and consequences of unequal education. We document large achievement gaps between children from different socio-economic backgrounds, show how patterns of educational inequality vary across countries, time, and generations, and establish a …

Learning about inflation expectations from the data (D'Acunto et al.)

Learning about inflation expectations from the data by Francesco D'Acunto, Ulrike Malmendier, Michael Weber published by VOXEU (5/2022). Inflation has surged to historic levels around the globe. Designing the correct policy responses requires a deep understanding of how consumers form and update their inflation expectations, and how expectations influence economic behaviour. This column summarises key findings in the literature on inflation …

War slows recovery (IMF)

War slows recovery published by IMF (4/2022) The war in Ukraine has triggered a costly humanitarian crisis that demands a peaceful resolution. At the same time, economic damage from the conflict will contribute to a significant slowdown in global growth in 2022 and add to inflation. Fuel and food prices have increased rapidly, hitting vulnerable populations in low-income countries hardest.Global …

Economic Theory Versus Economic Reality (Tanzi)

Economic Theory Versus Economic Reality: Dealing with Pandemics and Other Global Public Goods and Bads by Vito Tanzi published by National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (11/2021). Abstract In democratic countries with market economies, there is the presumption that elections determine policies, including tax policies, to deal with expected, collective needs and with national public goods. However, the importance …

The International Monetary Fund: 70 Years of Reinvention (Reinhart & Trebesc)

The International Monetary Fund: 70 Years of Reinvention by Carmen M. Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch published by NBER (12/2015) A sketch of the International Monetary Fund’s 70-year history reveals an institution that has reinvented itself over time along multiple dimensions. This history is primarily consistent with a “demand driven” theory of institutional change, as the needs of its clients and …

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