Trabalhar e empreender: o novo mundo da economia digital por José Roberto Afonso, Geraldo Biasoto Junior Murilo Ferreira Viana e Édivo Almeida Oliveira publicado por CEBRI (2023). "Da revolução digital até a nova geração de programas de inteligência artificial, passando pela pandemia da Covid-19 e pela guerra da Ucrânia, a economia e a sociedade já mudaram de forma intensa e …
Do Fiscal Rules Foster Fiscal Discipline in Resource-Rich Countries? by Ablam Estel Apeti, Olivier Basdevant, Veronique Salins published by IMF (4/2023) This paper investigates the performance of fiscal rules in resource-rich countries (RRC). Using panel data for 57 commodity exporting countries from 1976 to 2021, we find that fiscal rules: (i) reduce the procyclicality of real public expenditures with terms of trade …
In Latin America, Fiscal Policy Can Lighten the Burden of Central Banks by Gustavo Adler, Nigel Chalk published by IMF (4/2023). "Taming inflation requires slowing down demand. While monetary policy has played its part, lowering fiscal deficits would also help lessen the cost-of-living crisis. Growth in Latin America is projected to slow to 1.6 percent this year after a remarkable 4 percent …
A BRICS Revival? by Ana Palacio published by Project Syndicate (5/2023). "Economic headwinds and internal disagreements have long stymied the BRICS’ ambition to become a global diplomatic and financial force capable of challenging Western-led international institutions. Is this finally changing? There was a time when everyone was talking about a group of fast-growing emerging economies with huge potential. But the …
World Economic Outlook: A Rocky Recovery published by IMF (4/2023). “The outlook is uncertain again amid financial sector turmoil, high inflation, ongoing effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and three years of COVID The baseline forecast is for growth to fall from 3.4 percent in 2022 to 2.8 percent in 2023, before settling at 3.0 percent in 2024. Advanced economies …
Fiscal Monitor: On the Path to Policy Normalization published by IMF (4/2023). The report discusses how public finances have fluctuated with multiple shocks since the pandemic, characterized by atypical growth, inflation dynamics, and fiscal support to mitigate the shocks. The recent financial turmoil aggravated an already uncertain and complex outlook with tight financing conditions and mounting concerns for debt vulnerabilities. …
Central bank digital currencies: policy implications by Daniel Broby published by Law and Financial Markets Review (5/2023). This paper lists fifteen key policy implications resulting from a decision to introduce retail and/or wholesale central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). It makes the distinction between ‘medium of exchange’ and the ‘exchange mechanism’. The former is one of the functions of money. The …
RAF o Relatório de Acompanhamento Fiscal publicado pela Instituição Fiscal Independente (4/2023). "O Índice de Commodities – Brasil (IC-Br) calculado pelo Banco Central recuou 2,8% entre fevereiro e março. Em doze meses, o IC-Br acumula contração de 14,0%. Por um lado, o aperto monetário nas economias avançadas e a perspectiva de desaceleração econômica global, amplificada pela volatilidade no sistema financeiro, …
Características do emprego em serviços sociais públicos no Brasil por Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky (UFRJ) Valéria Pero (UFRJ) Graciele Guedes (CEDE UFF/UFRJ) Marcela Nogueira Ferrario (UNILA) publicado por CEDE (2023). Em linha com a tendência internacional, o emprego no Brasil é preponderantemente gerado no setor de serviços. Trata-se de um setor muito heterogêneo, com características problemáticas, como a polarização dos rendimentos …
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