Atualizações da Semana
Atualização , 10/10/2022

Improving subnational governments’ resilience in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (Mello & Ter-Minassian)

Improving subnational governments’ resilience in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (Mello & Ter-Minassian)
Improving subnational governments’ resilience in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic by Luiz de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian published by OECD, indicated by Alvaro Manoel (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on lives, the economy, and the public finances worldwide, drawing attention to the need to enhance resilience to future shocks. This paper focuses on subnational governments, given …

A decade-long silent ground subsidence hazard culminating in a metropolitan disaster in Maceió, Brazil (Vassileva et al.)

A decade-long silent ground subsidence hazard culminating in a metropolitan disaster in Maceió, Brazil by Magdalena Vassileva, Djamil Al-Halbouni, Mahdi Motagh, Thomas R. Walter, Torsten Dahm, Hans-Ulrich Wetzel published by nature (4/2021) Ground subsidence caused by natural or anthropogenic processes affects major urban areas worldwide. Sinkhole formation and infrastructure fractures have intensified in the federal capital of Maceió (Alagoas, Brazil) since early 2018, forcing …

Tax Incentives and the Global Minimum Corporate Tax (OECD)

Tax Incentives and the Global Minimum Corporate Tax: Reconsidering Tax Incentives after the GloBE Rules published by OECD (10/2022) In October 2021, the international community agreed a landmark deal on the two-pillar solution to the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation and the globalisation of the economy. As part of this plan, Pillar Two establishes a global minimum effective corporate …

The Political Costs of Austerity (Gabriel et al.)

The Political Costs of Austerity by Ricardo Duque Gabriel, Mathias Klein, Ana Sofia Pessoa published by SSRN (7/2022). Using a novel regional database covering over 200 elections in several European countries, this paper provides new empirical evidence on the political consequences of fiscal consolidations. To identify exogenous reductions in regional public spending, we use a Bartik-type instrument that combines regional …

The State as Financier of Last Resort (Battersby et al.)

The State as Financier of Last Resort by Bryn Battersby, Raphael A Espinoza, Jason Harris, Gee Hee Hong, Sandra V Lizarazo Ruiz, Paolo Mauro, Amanda Sayegh published by IMF, indicated by Alvaro Manoel (10/2022). During the COVID-19 pandemic and global financial crisis, governments swiftly served as financiers of last resort through large financial support measures (FSMs) such as loan and …

Why Services Need an Industrial Policy (Rodrik)

Why Services Need an Industrial Policy by Dani Rodrik published by Project Syndicate (10/2022). Enhancing productivity in services is notoriously difficult, and it is often impeded by a myriad of well-meaning licensing, safety, and other regulations. But if policymakers are serious about increasing the supply of good jobs for less-educated workers, services are where they must direct their efforts. Why …

Fiscal Monitor: Helping People Bounce Back (IMF)

Fiscal Monitor: Helping People Bounce Back published by IMF (10/2022). Governments face increasingly difficult trade-offs in tackling the spikes in food and energy prices when policy buffers are largely exhausted after two years of pandemic. They should prioritize protecting vulnerable groups through targeted support while keeping a tight fiscal stance to help reduce inflation. Building fiscal buffers in normal times …

Self-rule index for local authorities in the EU (European Commissian)

Self-rule index for local authorities in the EU, Council of Europe and OECD countries, 1990-2020 published by European Commissian (12/2021). Local autonomy is a highly valued feature of good governance. The continuous attempts of many countries to strengthen the autonomy of local government shows the importance given to decentralisation and reinforcing competences at the lowest level of a state. This …

Digital For Good (Quesado)

Digital For Good por Jaime Quesado publicado por Dinheiro Vivo (10/2022) "A excelente Conferência realizada na Gulbenkian com o sugestivo título DIGITAL FOR GOOD foi um momento muito especial de discussão do papel que a tecnologia tem para a nossa sociedade. A aposta que começa a ser feita no reforço de uma agenda da transformação digital constitui a melhor evidência …

ICMS e ISS: qual base de tributação é mais dinâmica, de acordo com as Contas Nacionais do IBGE? (FEBRAFITE)

ICMS e ISS: qual base de tributação é mais dinâmica, de acordo com as Contas Nacionais do IBGE? Publicado por FEBRAFITE (2022) “Esta breve nota técnica tem por objetivo analisar de forma comparativa a evolução recente das bases tributáveis do ICMS e do ISS, os dois impostos subnacionais que seriam unificados num tributo partilhado entre estados e municípios, de acordo …

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