How do global investors differentiate between sovereign risks? The new normal versus the old by Marlene Amstad, Eli Remolona and Jimmy Shek published by BIS (1/2016). When global investors go into emerging markets or get out of them, how do they differentiate between economies? Has this behaviour changed since the crisis of 2008 to reflect a “new normal”? We consider …
Sovereign Credit Ratings and Spreads in Emerging Markets: Does Investment Grade Matter? by Laura Jaramillo, Michelle Michelle Tejada published by IMF (3/2011). Sovereign investment grade status is often associated with lower spreads in international markets. Using a panel framework for 35 emerging markets between 1997 and 2010, thispaper finds that investment grade status reduces spreads by 36 percent, above and beyond …
The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal? edited by Bernard Hoekman published by Centre for Economic Policy Research- VOXEU (2015). “Trade growth has been anaemic since 2010. Already before the 2008 Global Crisis hit, the rate of growth of the ratio of global trade to GDP had slowed considerably. Most recent data show trade values declining. Has global trade peaked? …
Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy by Nadim Ahmad, Paul Schreyer published by OECD (6/2016). Recent years have seen a rapid emergence of new disruptive technologies with new forms of intermediation, service provision and consumption, with digitalisation being a common characteristic. These include new platforms that facilitate Peer-to-Peer transactions, such as AirBnB and Uber, new activities such as crowd sourcing, …
Mais uma inovação a serviço do ambiente publicado por Valor Econômico (9/2016). “Sergio Leitão, do conselho do Instituto Escolhas: de olho nas políticas públicas 22/09/2016 05:00 Mais uma inovação a serviço do ambiente Por Bettina Barros Desde a aprovação do novo Código Florestal Brasileiro, que trouxe uma definição sobre a recuperação de áreas florestais particulares no país, a maior …
ICMS – Cidadão (SINTA 4.0): Simples, isonômico, neutro, transparente e arrecadador por Eurico Marcos Diniz de Santi, Isaias Coelho, Nelson Machado, José Clovis Cabrera, Vanessa Rahal Canado publicado por Jota (9/2016). "A tributação sobre o consumo é um processo civilizatório: é tão-somente a sociedade pode e deve decidir – mediante as regras do processo legislativo – a estrutura do ICMS …
Inteligência: da eleição para todo governo por José Roberto Afonso publicado por Estado de S. Paulo (10/2016) “A Justiça Eleitoral está passando um pente-fino nas doações (agora só por pessoas físicas) para os candidatos da última eleição, bem assim no uso de tais recursos. Já foi noticiado que beneficiários do bolsa família fizeram doações, mas esta foi só uma entre …
Monetary policy, fiscal policy and public debt management by People’s Bank of China published by BIS (2016). This paper touches on the interaction between monetary policy, fiscal policy and public debt management. The first part looks at public debt sustainability and monetary policy. When measuring the fiscal stance, data such as current fiscal income and expenditure, the scale of public …
Central Bank Credit to the Government: What Can We Learn from International Practices? by Luis I. Jácome, Marcela Matamoros-Indorf, Mrinalini Sharma, and Simon Townsend published by IMF (2012). Using a central bank legislation database, this paper documents and analyzes worldwide institutional arrangements for central bank lending to the government and identifies international practices. Key findings are: (i) in most advanced …
Central bank and government debt management: issues for monetary policy by Andrew Filardo, Madhusudan Mohanty and Ramon Moreno published by BIS (2016). The size and maturity structure of the government debt market have important implications for monetary policy, especially in EMEs. This paper documents the remarkable growth of the market over the past decade in terms of size, issuance and …
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