Atualizações da Semana
Atualização , 09/04/2022

Como melhorar a Governança no Poder Executivo (Moreira)

Como melhorar a Governança no Poder Executivo   (Moreira)
Como melhorar a Governança no Poder Executivo por Marcílio Marques Moreira texto elaborado para o Painel III do Forum Nacional (5/2015). “A preocupação com a boa governança parece reacender, em momentos em que se adensam sensação de crise e procura de novos caminhos. E isto não só no Brasil, como o veio a confirmar a carta semanal, de 11 de …

Referencial de Controle de Benefícios Tributários (Encinas)

Referencial de Controle de Benefícios Tributários apresentação realizada por Rafael Encinas - Tribunal de Contas da União - Secretaria de Controle Externo do Desenvolvimento Econômico em Versão Preliminar apresentada ao painel de especialistas (4/2022). “O Estado possui diferentes alternativas de ação quando busca solucionar um problema da sociedade. Por exemplo, diante de um contexto de fome e desnutrição, o governo …

Governança dos Recursos Hídricos no Brasil (OECD)

Governança dos Recursos Hídricos no Brasil publicado por OECD (2015). A água é abundante no Brasil, mas desigualmente distribuída entre as regiões e os usuários. Houve progressos notáveis na reforma do setor desde a Lei Nacional de Recursos Hídricos de 1997, mas as tendências econômicas, climáticas e de urbanização geram ameaças que podem comprometer o crescimento e o desenvolvimento nacional. …

Governments as owners (Cuervo-Cazurra et al.)

Governments as owners: State-owned multinational companies by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Andrew Inkpen, Aldo Musacchio and Kannan Ramaswamy published by Journal of International Business Studies (7/2014). The globalization of state-owned multinational companies (SOMNCs) has become an important phenomenon in international business (IB), yet it has received scant attention in the literature. We explain how the analysis of SOMNCs can help advance the …

Do CEOs of State-Owned Enterprises Matter? (Musacchio et al.)

Do CEOs of State-Owned Enterprises Matter? Evidence from Brazil, 1973-1993 por Aldo Musacchio, Sergio G. Lazzarini, Cláudia Bruschi published by SSRN (2012). We study if CEOs and their backgrounds matter for the performance of stateowned enterprises (SOEs) exploiting the fact that these companies had different CEOs (with different backgrounds) in different moments in time. We construct a database of Brazilian …

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2022 (OECD)

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2022 published by OECD (3/2022). “An OECD Scoreboard The COVID-19 crisis caused profound disruptions in the global economy, with SMEs and entrepreneurs, particularly hard hit. Swift measures implemented by governments and public financial institutions provided a crucial lifeline for liquidity-strapped SMEs. The 10th edition of Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2022: An OECD Scoreboard sheds light on the impacts …

What we know about the wage inflationary channel (Bobeica et al.)

What we know about the wage inflationary channel by Elena Bobeica, Matteo Ciccarelli, Isabel Vansteenkiste published by VOXEU (4/2022). The recent inflation increase across advanced economies has rekindled a debate about the risk of wage–price spirals. This column looks at pass-through from labour cost to price inflation for the US and euro area countries, and finds that the risk is state dependent. …

In Strange Company (Pargendler et al.)

In Strange Company: The Puzzle of Private Investment in State-Controlled Firms by Mariana Pargendler, Aldo Musacchio & Sergio G. Lazzarini published by Cornell International Law Journal (2013). A large legal and economic literature describes how state-owned enterprises (“SOEs”) suffer from a variety of agency and political problems. Less theory and evidence, however, have been generated about the reasons why state-owned …

The transformation of work (Social Europe)

The transformation of work by Social Europe (2021) Dossier Description The future of work is an ever-present concern for workers in a globalised economy characterised by footloose finance, fickle supply chains and above all ‘flexible’ labour markets. Fewer and fewer workers enjoy regular labour contracts—with associated social entitlements—and risk is increasingly being displaced on to labour by the rise of short-term …

Relações governamentais no Brasil: ontem, hoje. E amanhã? (Melo e Seligman)

Relações governamentais no Brasil: ontem, hoje. E amanhã? por Carlos Melo e Milton Seligman publicado por JOTA (5/2015). “Como inaugurar um relacionamento transparente e ético entre o Estado e as empresas privadas? Os profissionais que trabalham no meio campo entre empresas privadas e governos nunca viveram tempos tão bicudos no Brasil. Há, atualmente, um enorme desgaste nesta atividade que passou …

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