Atualizações da Semana
Atualização , 29/01/2022

Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Councils Recent Trends and Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Davoodi et al.)

Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Councils Recent Trends and Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Davoodi et al.)
Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Councils Recent Trends and Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Hamid R. Davoodi, Paul Elger, Alexandra Fotiou, Daniel Garcia-Macia, Xuehui Han, Andresa Lagerborg, W. Raphael Lam, and Paulo Medas published by IMF (1/2022). Adoption offiscal rules and fiscal councils continued to increase globally over the lastdecades based on two new global datasets. During the pandemic, fiscal …

Looking under the hood: The two faces of inflation (Borio et al.)

Looking under the hood: The two faces of inflation by Claudio Borio, Piti Disyatat, Dora Xia, Egon Zakrajšek published by VOXEU (1/2022) High and low inflation are two very different animals. This column argues that after remaining low and stable for a prolonged period, what we measure as inflation is in fact largely an average of idiosyncratic (relative) price changes and …

Emerging Market Volatility (Sahay et al.)

Emerging Market Volatility : Lessons from The Taper Tantrum prepared by Ratna Sahay, Vivek Arora, Thanos Arvanitis, Hamid Faruqee, Papa N'Diaye, Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli, published by IMF (9/2014). Accommodative monetary policies in advanced economies have spurred increased capital inflows into emerging markets since the global financial crisis. Starting in May 2013, when the Federal Reserve publicly discussed its plans for tapering …

As Teorias Econômicas de Keynes (Belluzzo)

As Teorias Econômicas de Keynes - Análise do Professor Luíz Belluzzo (2014) Abordagem dos aspectos da teoria Keynesiana, comparando-as com a teoria Clássica e relacionando com a Grande Depressão. Uma visão do Professor Luíz Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo - ECONOMIA Unicamp.

The road to The General Theory (Costa)

The road to The General Theory: J. M. Keynes, F. A. Hayek, and the Genealogy of Macroeconomics by Keanu Telles da Costa published by Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (1/2022). The criticism made by Friedrich A. Hayek to A Treatise on Money by John Maynard Keynes, and the subsequent controversy that followed with the involvement of members of the Cambridge …

World Energy Outlook (IEA)

World Energy Outlook published by IEA (2013). Orientation for a fast-changing energy world Many of the long-held tenets of the energy sector are being rewritten. Major importers are becoming exporters, while countries long-defined as major energy exporters are also becoming leading centres of global demand growth. The right combination of policies and technologies is proving that the links between economic …

Problem-Driven Political Economy Analysis (Fritz et al.)

Problem-Driven Political Economy Analysis: The World Bank's Experience edited by Verena Fritz, Brian Levy, and Rachel Ort published by The World Bank (2014). Problem-driven political economy analysis holds considerable promise to help development practitioners identify what policies and strategies are most likely to succeed in addressing difficult and persistent development challenges. This volume is the result of a systematic effort to …

Restoring Shared Prosperity (Palley and Horn)

Restoring Shared Prosperity: A Policy Agenda from Leading Keynesian Economists, edited by Thomas I. Palley and Gustav A. Horn. The economic recovery in the US since the Great Recession has remained sub-par and beset by persistent fear it might weaken again. Even if that is avoided, the most likely outcome is continued weak growth, accompanied by high unemployment and historically high …

Preço de imóvel residencial no Brasil tem 2ª maior alta entre 23 países (Mídia)

Preço de imóvel residencial no Brasil tem 2ª maior alta entre 23 países publicado por Blog Achados Econômicos (2014). “O Brasil registrou a segunda maior alta no preço de imóveis residenciais no ano passado, em uma lista de 23 países monitorados pela revista ''The Economist''. As moradias ficaram 12,8% mais caras em 2013, um aumento que só fica atrás ao …

Estado Social, Todos por Todos (ffmspt)

Documentário Estado Social, Todos por Todos publicado por ffmspt. A trajectória das últimas décadas espelha o papel determinante do Estado Social na sociedade portuguesa. Os números são elucidativos. Sem transferências sociais, quase metade da população viveria abaixo do limiar de pobreza. Mas conquistas como a longevidade e o controlo da natalidade, transformaram-se em desafios à própria sustentabilidade do Estado Social. …

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