Os argumentos a favor de um banco de desenvolvimento da UE por Werner Hoyer publicado por (11/2020) "LUXEMBURGO – Com as tendências nacionalistas a ressurgir em todo o mundo, a Europa pode e deve colocar-se na vanguarda das questões mais importantes. Desde a promoção do comércio e dos direitos humanos à mitigação de doenças e alterações climáticas, a Europa pode …
VIII Encontro de Coordenação Orçamentária, Financeira e Fiscal, Intergovernamental dos Países Ibero-americanos”, que acontecerá nos dias 18 a 20 de novembro de 2020 pela plataforma Zoom. Abaixo segue o link para inscrição no evento: https://www.foroiberoamericano.fazenda.mg.gov.br/openibero/ Para acessar a programação de cada painel e entrar na plataforma no dia do evento, click no link abaixo e abra a programação que fica …
The Structure of Business Taxation in China by Zhao Chen, Yuxuan He, Zhikuo Liu, Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato, and Daniel Yi Xu published by NBER (11/2020) This paper documents facts about the structure of business taxation in China using administrative tax data from 2007 to 2011 from the State Taxation Administration. We first document the importance of different business taxes …
Taxes, Automation, and the Future of Labor by Daron Acemoglu, Andrea Manera and Pascual Restrepo published by MIT (2020) "Employers often ask whether a machine or a person is better suited to do a job, based on factors such as speed, precision, and what’s technically possible. But one of machines’ biggest advantages over a worker may be how they are …
Trade and developmente report 2017 - Beyond austerity: Towards a global new deal published by UNCTAD (9/2017). "Fifty years ago, at New York’s Riverside Church, Martin Luther King made a passionate plea for a more equal, more just, more peaceful and more dignified world. Calling for “a radical revolution of values”, King concluded, “We must rapidly begin … the shift …
Drivers of pension reform measures in the OECD by Roel Beetsma, Ward Romp, Ron van Maurik published by VOXEU (11/2017) “Population ageing means that many current pension regimes are unsustainable, but the timing of pension reform measures is a political as well as an economic decision. This column uses new data on OECD pension reforms since 1970 to show that …
Pension reform and equity by Benedict Clements, Csaba Feher, Sanjeev Gupta published by VOXEU (7/2014) "The discussion on pension reform typically centres on fiscal sustainability. This column argues that equity concerns are of primary importance, both in selling proposed reforms to the public, and as a first-order policy goal of the pension system. Focusing on the average pensioner is insufficient to …
Minsky’s Financial Fragility: An Empirical Analysis of Electricity Distribution Companies in Brazil (2007–15) by Ernani Teixeira Torres Filho, Norberto Montani Martins and Caroline Yukari Miaguti published by Levy Economics Institute (2017). The present paper applies Hyman P. Minsky’s insights on financial fragility in order to analyze the behavior of electricity distribution companies in Brazil from 2007 to 2015. More specifically, …
Equilíbrio Geral e Avaliação de Subsídios apresentação realizada por Fábio Kanczuk publicado por Ministério da Fazenda (2017) “Conclusão 1) Análise de projeto é ferramenta teórica adequada 2) Benefícios não devem ser PIB , emprego, ou outro conceito abstrato que não tenham contrapartida clara em termos de arrecadação 3) Arrecadação futura é legítimo, mas ceticismo saudável com multiplicadores, externalidades, retornos crescentes. …
How Governments Tax Reduces Inequality More Than How They Spend by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard published by PIIE (11/2017) "Political attention often focuses on how governments spend money to reduce inequality, but direct tax systems (not including sales and other indirect taxes) do more for helping the poor relative to the wealthy in all high-income advanced economies. Before government taxes or …
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