Atualizações da Semana
Atualização , 17/10/2020

Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisation (OECD)

Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisation (OECD)
Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisation – Economic Impact Assessment – inclusive framework on BEPS published by OECD (2020). “This report analyses the economic and tax revenue implications of the Pillar One and Pillar Two proposals currently being discussed by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) as part of its work to address the tax challenges arising from the …

A poupança precaucional da Covid-19 (Afonso & Abreu)

A poupança precaucional da Covid-19: o desafio de seu aproveitamento por José Roberto R. Afonso e Thiago Felipe R. Abreu publicado por Conjuntura Econômica (10/2020). "Como nunca as famílias estão a poupar, em todo o mundo, com o advento do novo coronavírus e, como em outras crises, no Brasil, derrete a taxa de investimento fixo. Se crise vira oportunidade, um …

How and How Much? (Cepparulo & Mourre)

How and How Much? The Growth-Friendliness of Public Spending through the Lens by Alessandra Cepparulo and Gilles Mourre published by European Economy (2020). The paper analyses the growth-friendliness of public spending in EU countries over the decade 2007-2016. It looks into the composition, performance and efficiency of public expenditure across countries and specific functions of government. This approach allows for …

Towards Better Adequacy & Sustainability (Huitfeldt)

Towards Better Adequacy & Sustainability: A Review of Pension Systems & Pension Reforms in Eastern Partnership Countries by Henrik Huitfeldt published by European Economy (10/2020). This discussion paper reviews the state of play of pension systems and recent reforms in the Eastern Partnership countries and discusses outstanding challenges and options for further reforms. Pension systems in the Eastern Partnership countries …

Evolução histórica das alíquotas de imposto de renda (CNI)

A evolução histórica das alíquotas de imposto de renda em diferentes países e as potenciais consequências para o Brasil publicado por Confederação Nacional da Indústria (2017). "O estudo discorre sobre a evolução das alíquotas nominais do imposto sobre a renda em diferentes países ao longo dos últimos 20 anos e possíveis consequências ao Brasil dessa nova realidade. Há uma clara …

Indústria e políticas de desenvolvimento (IEDI)

Indústria e políticas de desenvolvimento publicado por IEDI (12/2018). "Nesta edição inicial, aborda-se o papel central da indústria no progresso econômico e social dos países, decorrente, sobretudo, de sua capacidade de criar novos produtos que revolucionam mercados e formas de produzir não apenas do próprio setor, mas também de todas as atividades econômicas. Por essa razão, os países mais bem-sucedidos …

Women, Technology, and the Future of Work (Dabla-Norris & Kochhar)

Women, Technology, and the Future of Work By Era Dabla-Norris and Kalpana Kochhar published by IMF (11/2018). “The way we work is changing at an unprecedented rate. Digitalization, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are eliminating many jobs involving low and middle-skill routine tasks through automation. Our new research finds the trend toward greater automation will be especially challenging for women. On average, women face an …

G20: Step Up to Boost Inclusive Growth (Lagarde)

G20: Step Up to Boost Inclusive Growth By Christine Lagarde published by IMF (11/2018). “As G20 leaders gather in Argentina, the global economy faces a critical juncture. We have had a good stretch of solid growth by historical standards, but now we are facing a period where significant risks are materializing and darker clouds are looming. As the most recent economic data …

The Macrofiscal Function and its Organizational Arrangements (Fainboim & Lienert)

The Macrofiscal Function and its Organizational Arrangements prepared by Israel Fainboim and Ian Lienert published by IMF, indicated by Alvaro Manoel (2019). “Conducting sound fiscal policy requires a strategic vision of public finances that anchors the budget in a medium-term perspective. In turn, the medium-term fiscal framework (MTFF) incorporates a country’s policy choices and priorities given their growth and equity …

Inversión pública para la recuperación (Gaspar et al.)

Inversión pública para la recuperación by Vitor Gaspar, Paolo Mauro, Catherine Pattillo y Raphael Espinoza published by IMF (10/2020). "Los gobiernos de todo el mundo están tomando medidas extraordinarias para afrontar la crisis de la COVID-19. Sin dejar de centrarse en dar respuesta a la emergencia sanitaria y proporcionar asistencia de emergencia a hogares y empresas, los gobiernos han de preparar las economías para la …

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