What Have We Learned About the Brazilian Development Bank? by Ricardo Barboza (BNDES), Samuel Pessoa (FGV IBRE), Eduardo Pontual (UFRJ) e Fábio Roitman (BNDES) published by FGV IBRE (7/2020)
"This paper discusses what we have learned about the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), one of the largest development banks in the world, based on the available empirical evidence. We reviewed 70 academic papers that, based on the data, tried to identify causal relations involving the Bank. In general, the evidence indicates that BNDES loans are an effective instrument to increase investment, employment and exports, especially when credit borrowers are micro, small and medium-sized companies. The Bank also appears to have positive effects on economic activity and the revenues of supported firms. There is also evidence that the BNDES’s operation was able to reduce deforestation in the country. However, most articles suggest that the BNDES has null effects on productivity, the profitability of companies and the share value of supported firms. The literature is not conclusive about the effects of BNDES on monetary policy power and municipal tax collection, as well as about whether there was political influence in the Bank’s loans. Finally, this article discusses what we still do not know about the BNDES – which, therefore, remains an open issue for future research."
Adiar e falsear para não pagar é risco recorrente para novo Fundeb por Élida Graziane Pinto publicado por Consultor Jurídico (7/2020).
"Quem defende o financiamento constitucionalmente adequado dos direitos sociais não pode se dar ao luxo do otimismo ingênuo, porque sempre é preciso cautela quanto às entrelinhas e aos riscos subentendidos em regras fiscal e processualmente obtusas.
Ainda que seja necessário celebrarmos a recente aprovação da PEC 15/2015, também conhecida como PEC do Fundeb, pela Câmara dos Deputados, não deixa de ser preocupante que 12 dispositivos extremamente sensíveis do seu regime jurídico tenham sido remetidos para regulamentação posterior. Isso porque dependem de lei ordinária ou complementar os seguintes pilares do novo Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação:
Acumulação de poupança das famílias na pandemia por Robson Rodrigues Pereira, Ariana Zerbinatti e Myriã Bast publicado por Destaque Depec - Bradesco (7/2020). "A eclosão da pandemia de Covid-19 trouxe mudanças relevantes no cenário econômico desenhado no começo de 2020. Com aspectos de natureza sanitária, financeira e econômica, com abrangência global, a atual crise tem gerado mudanças significativas no …
Artificial Intelligence: first quantitative study of its kind finds uptake by businesses across Europe is on the rise published by European Commission (7/2020).
"The European Commission published today the first quantitative overview on the uptake of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies among European enterprises. This study will help monitor the adoption of AI in Member States and further assess the challenges faced by enterprises, for their internal organisation and externally.
AI uptake across European enterprises
The robust survey found that four in ten (42%) enterprises have adopted at least one AI technology, with a quarter of them having already adopted at least two. Almost twice the proportion of large enterprises (39%) use two or more AI technologies compared to micro (21%) and small enterprises (22%). A total of 18% have plans to adopt AI in the next two years, while 40% of the enterprises participating do not use AI, nor do they plan to in the future. Overall awareness of AI amongst companies is however high across the EU, standing at 78%.
Tributación de las criptomonedas: Cómo dar un paso adelante por Ksenija Cipek publicado por CIAT (2020)
"En la era de la evolución digital, las administraciones tributarias deben seguir el ritmo de los desafíos que plantean los nuevos modelos de negocio y las nuevas tecnologías. Un desafío especial es la creciente aparición y uso de criptomonedas en situaciones cotidianas. Aunque este es un nuevo entorno comercial, la capitalización del mercado de criptomonedas asciende a un monto importante: $ 271,867,731,76. Las criptomonedas se utilizan para invertir, negociar y como medio de pago de bienes y servicios. Cuando se observa que, por ejemplo, el comercio de criptomonedas aumenta la fortaleza económica del contribuyente, por supuesto, también surge la cuestión de cómo gravar. Sin embargo, algunos países encuentran intereses económicos en las criptomonedas y se esfuerzan por ser amigables con las criptomonedas. Por otro lado, los países ven peligros y desafíos potenciales en el uso de las criptomonedas, por lo que intentan mantenerlas bajo control tanto como sea posible, o incluso prohibirlas.
Special Feature - Fiscal revenues from non-renewable natural resources in Latin America and the Caribbean - Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 by Noel Pérez Benítez - CEPAL, OECD, CIAT Santiago, Chile (7/2020).
"A rebound in international oil prices bolstered oil and gas revenues in LAC in 2018, especially those derived from royalties
The impact of higher prices in 2018 on hydrocarbons revenues at the country level was unequal
CIT mining revenues, which predominate in LAC, continued to rise in 2018 as favorable price dynamics boosted profitability
Higher mining revenues in LAC largely reflected strong increases in Chile and Peru during 2018
Fiscal revenues from non-renewable natural resources are estimated to slide in 2019, with a further decline likely in 2020"
The Great Lockdown through a Global Lens by Gita Gopinath published by IMF Blog (6/2020).
"The Great Lockdown is expected to play out in three phases, first as countries enter the lockdown, then as they exit, and finally as they escape the lockdown when there is a medical solution to the pandemic. Many countries are now in the second phase, as they reopen, with early signs of recovery, but with risks of second waves of infections and re-imposition of lockdowns. Surveying the economic landscape, the sheer scale and severity of the Global Lockdown are striking. Most tragically, this pandemic has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide. The resulting economic crisis is unlike anything the world has seen before."
A Emenda Constitucional nº 105, de 2019, e suas controvérsias em relação à separação de poderes e ao princípio federativo por Francisco Eduardo Carrilho Chaves publicado por Senado Federal (6/2020).
“A Emenda Constitucional (EC) nº 105, promulgada em dezembro de 2019 e que entrou em vigor em 1º de janeiro de 2020, criou novos mecanismos e regras para a transferência de recursos federais aos Estados, ao Distrito Federal e aos Municípios mediante emendas ao projeto de lei orçamentária anual. Contudo, segundo entendemos e evidenciamos neste artigo, alguns dos novos preceitos são inconstitucionais.
Federalism and Decentralization in the Health Care Sector by Gregory P. Marchildon and Thomas J. Bossert published by Forum of Federations (2018).
"Health care is one of the most financially onerous and contested social policy responsibilities of governments in the early 21st century. In the summer of 2011, we were asked by the Forum of Federations to conduct a multi-country study on federalism and decentralization in the governance, financing, administration or delivery of health care. Our contributors examined Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Pakistan, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico and Nigeria. This particular selection offered a good range of different approaches to federalism and health system decentralization upon which to draw policy lessons and for those latter understudied countries, a base line for future scholarly investigation. We developed a detailed, common template based on a comparative policy methodology developed by Rose (2005) and the use of decision space analysis as originally proposed by Bossert (1998) and as subsequently developed in the health systems literature (Roman et al. 2017). While most conceptual frameworks on decentralization tend to privilege structure, we used a decision space analysis that allowed us to evaluate the implementation and ongoing management – the practices on the ground – of any health system. In each federation, authors identified and described five structural features comparable across jurisdictions: 1) the assignment of constitutional responsibility for health and healthcare; 2) the existence (or not) of a national law on healthcare establishing rights and responsibilities; 3) the sources of revenue directed to public sector health care and the public and private sources and proportion of financing; 4) the funding and budgeting process of the central government’s health ministry relative to that of the subnational governments; and 5) the organization and governance of the publicly financed or subsidized part of the health system .”
COVID-19 and the economy - Webinar – Special edition BPEA 2020 published by Brookings.
"The Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) is a semi-annual academic conference and journal that pairs rigorous research with real-time policy analysis to address the most urgent economic challenges of the day. This year, we are adding a special third edition of reports and papers on COVID-19’s current and future impact on the economy. How will labor markets and consumer spending respond in the coming year? What influence should epidemiology have on macroeconomics? Are current safety net programs enough to solve poverty, or merely stem poverty? Are emerging markets in developing economies endangered or emboldened by a global economic crisis? How well have Federal Reserve programs worked throughout this crisis?..."
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