Subdued Momentum (IMF)
World Economic Outlook - Global manufacturing downturn, rising trade barries published by IMF (10/2019). "...To strengthen resilience, policymakers should address financial vulnerabilities that pose risks to growth in the médium term. Making growth more inclusive, which is essential for securing better economic prospects for all, should remain na overarching goal."
Chinese Digital (Rogoff)
A Chinese digital currency is the real threat, not Facebook's Libra by Kenneth Rogoff published by The Guardian (11/2019). "Just as technology has disrupted media, politics, and business, it is on the verge of disrupting America's ability to leverage faith in its currency to pursue its broader national interests. Libra is probably not the answer to the coming disruption pose by government-sanctioned digital currencies from China and elsewhere..."
Conventional Fiscal Policy (Boivin et al.)
Conventional fiscal policy by Jean Boivin, Elga Bartsch, Stanley Fischer and Phillipp Hildebrand published by BlackRock (8/2019). "...We have argued that there has not been enough government spending globally on infrastructure, education, renewable energy or other technologies to lift total fator productivity growth back to its pre-crisis trends and boost potencial growth."