Digital Revolutions (Gupta et al.)
Digital revolutions in public finance by Sanjeev Gupta, Michael Keen, Alpa Shah, and Geneviève Verdier (editors) published by IMF (2017). "The digital revolution holds vast potencial to improve fiscal policy. By transforming the way countries collect, process, and act on information, digital technology can reshape the way governments design and implement their tax, spending, and macro-fiscal policies..."
AI & Modern Productivity Paradox (Brynjolfsson)
AI and the modern productivity paradox: a clash of expectations and statistics by Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, Chad Syverson published by NBER (9/2017). "Conclusion: The modern productivity paradox of technological optimism and the disappointing current empirical reality has a plausible solution; Implementation and restructuring lags story says these two things not in conflict..."
Agenda Digital Fiscal (Pimenta)
Cuatro oportunidades de oro en la construcción de una agenda digital fiscal em América Latina y el Caribe por Carlos Pimenta (11/2017). "El surgimiento de nuevos modelos de negocio y soluciones digitales disruptivas en plataformas abiertas, constitueyen una gran oportunidad para los países, al mismo tiempo que exige adaptar los mecanismos actuales de gestión fiscal y tributaria de que se dispone en la región, con el uso intensivo de datos de la nube, Big Data y Data Analytics, sistemas on-demand, Blockchain, Inteligencia Artificial y Machine Learning, entre otras tecnologías."
Social Media (Spyer)
Social midia in emergent Brazil - How the internet affects social change by Juliano Spyer (2017). "Our intention is not to evaluate social media, either positively or negatively. Instead the purpose is educational, providing detailed evidence of what social media has become in each place and the local consequences, including local evaluations..."
How's Life 2017 (OECD)
How's life 2017: Measuring well-being published by OECD (11/2017). "...During this period there have been signs of progress, but gains in some aspects of life have been offset by losses elsewhere. This fouth edition highlights the many faces of inequality, showing that gaps in people's achievements and opportunities extend right across the different dimensions of well-being..."