JRRA Informativo

Earmarked Credit (Castro)

Earmarked credit and monetary policy power: micro and macro considerations by Pedro Henrique da Silva Castro published by Banco Central (9/2019). "...The same model is also used to exemplify the possibility of the monetary policy power over inflation increasing with higher prevalence of earmarked credit, even with the possible reduction of its power over GDP."
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Credit Shock Propagation (Cortes et al.)

Credit shock propagation in firm networks: evidence from government bank credit expansions by Gustavo S. Cortes, Thiago Christiano Silva and Bernardus F. N. Van Doornik published by Banco Central do Brasil (9/2019). "...We find that a firm with direct and indirect access to government credit (through its customers or suppliers) observed a 12.5% greater survival probability, vis-à-vis 4% when the firm has only direct access."
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Multilateral Development Banks (Bresser-Pereira & Bechelaine)

Multilateral development banks, new developmentalism and local currency financing by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira and Cinthia Bechelaine published by Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (10/2019). "We note that, despite the continual reassessment over the years of the mission of MDBs in financing development at the regional or global scale, foreign currency financing nonetheless remains the standard practice..."
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Bancos Tesouro x Desenvolvimento (Afonso)

Menos banco do Tesouro e mais do desenvolvimento por José R. Afonso publicado na Revista Conjuntura Econômica (7/2016). "A análise sobre as relações financeiras entre Tesouro Nacional e BNDES no período pós-crise revela que ocorreu uma drástica mudança nas política e práticas, inclusive com o banco se transformando numa mera agência financeira do Tesouro, em particular no caso do principal …
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Política Fiscal x Creditícia (Afonso)

As intricadas relações entre política fiscal e creditícia no Brasil pós-2008 artigo de José R. Afonso (12/2011), publicado na Revista Econômica da UFF. "A política fiscal brasileira em resposta à crise mundial foi tímida nos estímulos tradicionais, comparada a do resto do mundo, mas inovou ao conceder volumosos e crescentes empréstimos aos bancos públicos a custa da emissão de títulos …
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