Atualização 60, 01/04/2020
Direito e Economia da Crise publicado por Escola Superior do Ministério Público da União (3/2020).
"O diretor-geral da Escola Superior do Ministério Público da União (ESMPU), Paulo Gustavo Gonet Branco, participou, na tarde desta sexta-feira (27-3), de um debate com o economista e doutor José Roberto Afonso sobre a relação entre o Direito e a Economia em épocas de crise, como a que o mundo enfrenta devido à pandemia de coronavírus (Covid-19)..."
Don't believe the myth that we must sacrifice lives to save the economy by Jonathan Portes published by The Guardian (3/2020).
“Is the cure worse than the disease? The Times claimed today: “If the coronavirus lockdown leads to a fall in GDP of more than 6.4% more years of life will be lost due to recession than will be gained through beating the virus.” It’s hard to know where to start with this nonsense. It’s based on a paper currently under review at a journal entitled Nanotechnology Perceptions, which simply assumes that a fall in GDP translates mechanically and directly into a fall in life expectancy...”
Atenção! Quem tiver contato com pessoas e grupos sociais em situação de vulnerabilidade social, instrui-lo (a)s para que se inscrevam no Cadastro Único do Governo Federal para se habilitarem ao auxílio que está sendo regulamentado pelo Congresso Nacional.
Maiores instruções no site abaixo.
Como conter a curva no Brasil? Onde a epidemiologia e a economia se encontram por Beatriz Rache, Letícia Nunes, Rudi Rocha, Miguel Lago e Arminio Fraga publicado pelo IEPS (3/2020).
"Medidas extremas de contenção da difusão da COVID-19 e de preparação de sistemas de saúde estão sendo tomadas ao redor do mundo, em nível nacional e local. No limite, impõem-se restrições severas sobre mobilidade entre e intra países para que interações sociais sejam minimizadas. Existem evidências contundentes de que estas restrições são efetivas no combate à disseminação da doença e, portando, do ponto de vista epidemiológico devem ser seguidas rapidamente..."
A Greater Depression? by Nouriel Roubini published by Project Syndicate (3/2020)
With the COVID-19 pandemic still spiraling out of control, the best economic outcome that anyone can hope for is a recession deeper than that following the 2008 financial crisis. But given the flailing policy response so far, the chances of a far worse outcome are increasing by the day..."
The Race Between Economics and COVID-19 by Mohamed A. El-Erian published by Project Syndicate (3/2020).
"For years, the economics profession has suffered from a stubborn reluctance to adopt a more multidisciplinary approach. But now that the COVID-19 pandemic is transforming economic life the world over, the profession has no choice but to leave its comfort zone...”
Flattening the COVID-19 Curve in Developing Countries by Ricardo Hausmann published by Project Syndicate (3/2020).
“The more contained you want the novel coronavirus to be, the more you will need to lock down your country – and the more fiscal space you will require to mitigate the deeper recession that will result. The problem for most of the Global South is that policymakers lack fiscal space even in the best of times…”
The Workers Who Supply the World’s Food Are Starting to Get Sick by Lydia Mulvany, Deena Shanker and Isis Almeida published by Bloomberg (3/2020).
"Poultry giant Sanderson Farms Inc. on Monday reported the first case of a worker at a major U.S. meat producer testing positive for coronavirus. The employee and six more from the McComb, Mississippi, plant were sent home to self-quarantine, with pay, but operations continued as normal..."
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