JRRA Informativo

Great Depression & Great Recession (Ghosh & Qureshi)

Excerpt: From great depression to great reession: The elusive quest for international policy cooperation edited by Atish Ghosh and Mahvash Qureshi published by IMF (4/2017). "Analyzing current issues through the prism of history can be instructive. The global financial crisis and the ensuing Great Recession raised concerns about adjustment fatigue, deflation, currency wars, and secular stagnation that presented a sense of déjà vu: similar concerns had arisen at the time of the Great Depression and at the end of World War II..."

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Finanças Globalizadas (Santiago)

A inserção da América Latina no sistema centro-periferia, no contexto de finanças globalizadas: Observações para México, Brasil e Argentina por Saulo Quadros Santiago publicado UNB (11/2017). "Esta tese analisa a vulnerabilidade externa da América Latina, resultante da sua inserção periférica no cenário internacional e da participação no processo de globalização financeira, a partir da década de 1990, com maior ênfase para o México, o Brasil e a Argentina..."

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Natural Rate (PIIE)

Should we reject the natural rate hypothesis? by Olivier Blanchard published by PIIE (11/2017). "Fifty ears ago, Milton Friedman articulated the natural rate hypothesis. It was composed of two sub-hypotheses: First, the natural rate of unemployment is independent of monetary policy. Second, there is no long-run tradeoff between the deviation of unemployment from the natural rate inflation..."

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Conference on Global Environment (TMB)

Conference on global environment and policy challenges in emerging markets by Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi (TMB) indicated by Marcio Garcia (12/2017). "In this conference, we aim to bring together leading policy makers and academics to share their experiences and expertise on challenges emerging market economies face and to discuss apropriate policy responses in the current global environment..." The presentations/papers are available to download.

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Livro Macroeconomia (Barbosa)

Lançamento do livro Macroeconomia de Fernando de Holanda Barbosa pela Editora FGV. A Editora e a Livraria FGV convidam para o lançamento que ocorrerá no dia 11 de dezembro de 2017, no Rio de Janeiro. 

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Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy (PIIE)

The Peterson Institute held a conference on "Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy", coordinated by Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence H. Summers, the event was indicated by Monica de Bolle and Cesar R. S. Neto. "Academic experts and policymakers will address the challenges to macroeconomic thinking and policymaking that today's economic environment presents-low inflation despite low unemployment, the apparent interactions of rising inequality and stagnating productivity, and the unresponsiveness of longtem interest rates to rising public debt, among others." The papers are available in the link: http://bit.ly/2kM3UQH

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