JRRA Informativo

Projeto Governance 4.0

Projeto Governance 4.0 de iniciativa da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), do Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (FDUL) está disponibilizando gratuitamente uma Biblioteca Virtual que funciona como uma base de temas relacionados à tecnologia e governança digital com mais 500 documentos (515, atualmente), constantemente atualizada e ampliada.
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Commodity to Fiat (Eichengreen)

From commodity to fiat and now to crypto: what does history tell us? by Barry Eichengreen published by NBER (1/2019). "Over time, there has been a tendency for political jurisdictions and residents to converge on a single currency. Monopoly over seigniorage is a source of political power and a valuable lifeline when sovereignty is threatened..."
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Big Data (O'Neil)

The era of blind faith in big data must end by Cathy O'Neil. "Algorithms decide who gets, who gets a job interview, who gets insurance and much more..." - https://bit.ly/2inIw31 - Doing Data Science: Straight talk from the frontline by Cathy O'Neil And Rachel Schutt (10/2013) - https://oreil.ly/1J3ncXr - On being a data skeptic by Cathy O'Neil - https://oreil.ly/2W9DaYc - Shame machine: an ownwr's manual by Cathy O'Neil - https://bit.ly/2TgN8VX - Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy (book) - Os privilegiados são analisados por pessoas; as massas, por máquinas published by El País (11/2018) - https://bit.ly/2Fzs1MU

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Productivity Growth x Digital Age (OECD)

Produtivity growth in the digital age published by OECD (2/2019). "OECD work shows there is hope for the future. While not yet showing up in the aggregate productivity data, digital transformation is starting to have impacts on productivity in individual firms - and increasingly also in certain industries..."
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Blockchain, Direito e Negócios (Nóbrega)

Confie, mas verifique blockchain, direito e negócios apresentação realizada por Marcos Nóbrega. "Conclusão: As transformações da empresas, sociedade e Governo são imensas e ainda estamos no começo desse processo; Os desafios regulatórios exigem novo mindset e novas abordagens..."
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