Liability Management (Cangoz et al.)
How do countries use an asset and liability management approach? A survey on sovereign balance sheet management by M. Coskun Cangoz, Sebastien Boitreaud and Christopher Dychala published by IMF, indicated by Alvaro Manoel (10/2018)."...The survey results confirm that the number of countries that have developed such a framework is limited. Although most of the respondents indicated that they regularly produce an accounting balance sheet, the objective of this exercise is often limited to monitoring sovereign assets and liabilities rather than determining mismatches between them..."
Government Debt (IMF)
Government debt is not the whole story: look at the assets published by IMF blog (10/2018). "Lost track of your personal finances? You are not alone. Your government has often lost track of its finances too. While it keeps close tabs on debt, it is less clear on how much it owns: the assets."
Global Debt (Mbaye & Badia)
New data on global debt by Samba Mbaye and Marialuz Moreno Badia published by IMF (1/2019). "Global public debt, on the other hand, has experienced a reversal of sorts. After a steady decline up to the mid-1970s, public debt has gone up since, with advanced economies at the helm and, of late, followed by emerging and low-income developing countries."
Dívida Pública (Barros)
Dívida Pública - Aula no Instituto Brasiliense de Direitos Públicos (IDP) por Gabriel Leal de Barros (11/2018). "Composição do avanço da despesa primária - Cerca de 65% do avanço do gasto público ao longo dos últimos 20 anos deve-se à Previdência e gastos sociais; Política fiscal anticíclica a partir de crise de 2008/09 provocou importante avanço do gasto com subsídios..."
Public Debt Management (Cruz & Koc)
The liquidity buffer practices of public debt management in OECD countries by Pedro Cruz and Fatos Koc published by OECD (2018). "This papers summarises and discusses results from a survey on the liquidity buffer practices of debt managers in OECD countries. It includes detailed information on their purpose, cost, level and investment. Where possible and relevant, comparisons are made with the results of an earlier survey conducted in 2011..."