JRRA Informativo

Conselho de Assessoramento Técnico (IFI)

1ª Reunião do Conselho de Assessoramento Técnico (CAT) da Instituição Fiscal Independente (IFI) do Senado Federal (5/2019). "A pluralidade do CAT, expressa nas opiniões emitidas pelos conselheiros, na reunião inaugural, também merece ser enaltecida. Os conselheiros falaram sobre o quadro econômico e fiscal, discutiram a importância das reformas e outros temas..."
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Instituição Fiscal (Afonso)

Instituição Fiscal Independente do Senado - 1ª Reunião do Conselho de Assessoramento Técnico apresentação realizada por José R. Afonso em INTERLEGIS - Senado Federal (5/2019). "Desafio maior é repensar todo sistema tributário - Inevitável promover profunda reestruturação do sistema tributário e instituições fiscais, e, por consequência, de suas políticas públicas..."
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Automatic Fiscal Stabilisers (Mohl et al.)

Automatic fiscal stabilisers in the EU: size & effectiveness by Philipp Mohl, Gilles Mourre and Klara Stovicek published by European economy (5/2019). "While automatic stabilisers are the first line of defence against economic fluctuations, they may not be sufficient to fully absorb economic shocks in severe recessions..."
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Watchdogs or Lapdogs? (Beetsma & Debrun)

Independent Fiscal Councils: watchdogs or lapdogs? by Roel Beetsma and Xavier Debrun published by VOXEU (1/2018). "The essays in this book survey the motivations for IFCs, analyse their core features and effectiveness in varied institutional settings, distill elements of best practice, and discuss future developments."
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Independent Fiscal Councils (Beetsma & Debrun)

Independent fiscal councils and the conduct of fiscal policy: insights from a new eBook by Roel Beetsma and Xavier Debrun published by VOXEU (1/2018). "The proliferation of independent fiscal councils raises the question as to how toothless watchdogs can effectively prevent harmful policies. Even though these councils do not control any policy lever, high hopes rest in their ability to foster more stabilising and financially responsible fiscal policies..."
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