Capitalism in the Age of Robots (Turner)
Capitalism in the age of robots: work, income and weath in the 21st -century by Adair Turner, chair of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Lecture at School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University (2018). "I will argue that the rapid, unstoppable, and limitless progress of automation potencial will have profound implications for the nature of and need for work, and for the distribution of income and wealth..."
Robotic Process (Charad et al.)
Desemprego tecnológico: fim dos empregos? por José Paulo Zeetano Chahad (8/2017) - https://bit.ly/2yo6Dqe - Top financial services issues of 2017: Thriving in uncertain times published Financial Services Institute/PWC (12/2016); The robots are coming published by Deloitte (2014); Robo: Process automation for the financial industry - a virtual workforce increasing capacity and improving efficiency by Pascal Martino, Patrick Laurent, Steve Hauman …
Los Robots (Moreno)
Estamos listos para los robots? por Luis Alberto Moreno publicado por El País (5/2018). "Este tipo de innovaciones generan entusiasmo entre los inversores y ansiedad entre los trabajadores, ya que en algunas industrias y sectores ya ha comenzado a darse un reemplazo de personas por robots o máquinas..."
Innovation in Brazil (Reynolds et al.)
Innovation in Brazil: advancing development in the 21st century edited by Elisabeth B. Reynolds, Ben Ross Schneider and Ezequiel Zylberberg. The book is based on research by the MIT Industrial Performance Center and collaborators in Brazil. The event will be occur in Brasília on May 14th and in São Paulo on May 16th, 2019.