JRRA Informativo

Digital Globalization (Manyika et al.)

Digital globalization: the new era of global glows by James Manyika, Susan Lund, Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Woetzel, Kalin Stamenov and Dhruv Dhingra published by McKinsey (2/2016). "Conventional wisdom says that globalization has stalled. But although the global goods trade has flattened and cross-border capital flows have declined sharply since 2008, globalization is not heading into reverse. Rather, it is entering a new phase defined by soaring flows of data and information..."
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E-commerce Revolution (ADB)

Embracing the e-commerce revolution in Asia and the Pacific published by ADB (6/2018). "This report introduces a new analytical framework to assess the level and quality of e-commerce development. The framework incorporates three key dimensions of e-commerce development: (i) economic factors and conditions, (ii) legal and institutional environment, and (iii) social acceptance and awareness..."
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Estratégias Nacionais (IEDI)

Estratégias nacionais para o indústria 4.0 publicado pelo IEDI (7/2018). "As principais potências industriais do mundo movimentam-se com rapidez em direção à Indústria 4.0, lançando mão de programas de políticas industrial em apoio ao desenvolvimento das tecnologias subjacentes e de sua difusão na estrutura industrial nacional..."
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Strategic Business Value (Carson et al.)

Blockchain beyond the hype: what is the strategic business value? by Brand Carson, Giulio Romanelli, Patricia Walsh and Askhat Zhumaev published by McKinsey&Company (6/2018). "Companies can determine whether they should invest in blockchain by focusing on specific use cases and their market position."
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Stuck in the Past (The Economist)

Stuck in the past - Overhaul tax the 21st century - "Most of the fuss abount taxation is over how much the government takes and how ofthen it is wasted. Too little is about how taxes are raised. Today's tax systems are not only marred by the bewildering complexity and loopholes that have always afflicted taxation..." The time may be right for land-value taxes - "...The chosen city will need to invest to accommodate the workers, but the costs of doing so will be unfairly spread across existing residents, because in their bid to lure the firm, cities are offering Amazon discounsts on local business taxes." by The Economist (8/2018).
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Plano para a Indústria 4.0 (IEDI)

Princípios de um plano para a indústria 4.0 no Brasil publicado pela Carta IEDI (7/2018). "Para fazer frente aos desafios da Indústria 4.0, o Brasil necessita retomar o investimento no setor industrial e, ao mesmo tempo, transformar a sua estrutura produtiva, modernizando sua pauta de produção e exportação, seus processos produtivos e modelos de negócios..."
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